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Anna Leibniz b. 1563 d. 17 April 1564

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Lineage Leibniz
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anna Leibniz

Christoph Leibniz (Leibnitz, Leubnitz, Leubenicz) [Leibniz] b. 10 September 1537 d. 28 May 1587

Барбара фон Каленберг [Каленберги] b. 11 December 1539 d. 1 July 1577


1563 birth:

17 April 1564 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Джозеф Лейбніц
birth: 1513
occupation: Rochlitz, Kantor
marriage: Кунігунда Нойман (Лейбніц)
ordination: 21 May 1544, Wittenberg
death: 27 September 1595, Kriebitsch
Barbara Leibniz
birth: April 1539
David Leibniz
birth: 1540
Agnes Leibniz
birth: 1542
death: 1542
Ambrosius Leibniz
birth: February 1552
occupation: Holzhausen ob der Enns, Österreich, Pastor
Барбара фон Каленберг
birth: 11 December 1539, Kalundborg, Dänemark
marriage: Christoph Leibniz (Leibnitz, Leubnitz, Leubenicz)
death: 1 July 1577, Pirna
== 3 ==
Амбросіус Лейбніц
birth: 14 April 1569, Берггісхюбель
marriage: Anna Deuerlin (Deuerlein) , Königstein
death: 27 May 1617, Альтенберг, Саксонія, Святе Римське царство
Barbara Leibniz
birth: 1561
death: 13 January 1568
Christoph Leibniz
birth: 27 April 1565
Johannes Leibniz
birth: 20 March 1571
death: 10 May 1571
Johannes Leibniz
birth: 1 May 1573
death: 21 February 1579
Christian Leibniz
birth: 21 March 1580
Johannes Leibniz
birth: 10 October 1581
death: 1586
Gertrud Leibniz
birth: 24 September 1583
Christoph Leibniz
birth: 29 November 1585
death: 17 January 1586
Magdalena Leibniz
birth: 29 November 1585
death: 20 January 1586
Friedrich Leibniz
birth: 4 February 1587
Anna Leibniz
birth: 1563
death: 17 April 1564
== 3 ==

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