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Maria Perez Sarraza b. 1230

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Lineage Sarraza
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Maria Perez Sarraza

Pedro Soarez Sarraza [Sarraza] b. 1210


1230 birth:

1260 child birth: Fernão Varela [Varela] b. 1260

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ferdinand III of Castile
birth: 30 July 1199, Zamora (Spain)
title: 1217, King of Castile
marriage: Елизавета Швабская
title: 1230, King of León
marriage: w Жанна де Даммартен , Burgos
death: 31 May 1252, Seville (Spain)
burial: Seville (Spain), Cathédrale de Séville
Berenguela de Leon
birth: 1201
marriage: Jean (John) du Brienne
title: 1224, Reine de Jérusalem
title: 1229, Impératrice latine de Constantinople
death: 12 April 1237
Alfons van Castilie
birth: 1204
title: Infante de Castille et de León.
title: seigneur de Molina et de Mesa.
marriage: Mafalda Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Terese Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Mayor Téllez de Meneses
death: 6 January 1272
Фердинанд Леонский
birth: about 1192
death: August 1214
Санча Леонская
birth: about 1193
death: 1270
Дульсе (Альдонса) Леонская
birth: between 1194 and 1195
death: after 1243
Леонор Леонский
birth: between 1198 and 1199
death: 31 October 1210
María Alfonso de León
birth: between 1205 and 1215
other: внебрачная дочь короля Альфонса IX Леона и Терезы Хиль де Соверос
other: тётя Альфонса X и его возлюбленная
death: after 1275
Urraca Alfonso de León
birth: about 1228
other: fue hija ilegítima del rey Alfonso IX de León y de la noble portuguesa Teresa Gil de Soverosa
other: рosteriormente se casó por segunda vez con Pedro Núñez de Guzmán, señor de Guzmán
marriage: w Pedro Núñez de Guzmán
death: after 1252
Pedro Alfonso de León
birth: about 1196, Spanien
death: 1226, Spanien
Fernando Alfonso de León
birth: 1211
other: fallecido en su juventud
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Fernão Varela
birth: 1260

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