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Lineage Первые Боги
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Уран
Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Уран (мифология)


child birth: w Encelado [Titano]

child birth: w Efialte [Titano]

child birth: Eurymédon [Géant]

child birth: w Clizio [Titano]

child birth: w Alpo [Titano]

child birth: Alecto [Euménide]

child birth: w Agrio [Titano]

child birth: w Alcioneo [Titano]

child birth: w Eurito [Titano]

child birth: w Grazione [Titano]

child birth: Porphyrion [Géant]

child birth: Фоант [Гиганты]

child birth: Iapetus ? (Titans) [?]

child birth: w Polibote [Titano]

child birth: w Pallante [Titano]

child birth: w Oplodamo [Titano]

child birth: w Ippolito [Titano]

child birth: Mimas [Géant]

child birth: Mégère [Euménide]

child birth: Tisiphone [Euménide]

child birth: Océan [Titans]

child birth: w Мнемосина [Титаниды]

child birth: Phœbé [Titan]

child birth: Hyperion [?]

child birth: Crios [Titan]

child birth: Кронос [Титани]

child birth: Rhéa ? (Titan) [?]

child birth: Coéos [Titan]

child birth: Théia [Titan]

child birth: Thémis [Titan]

child birth: Cottos [Hécatonchire]

child birth: Gyès [Hécatonchire]

child birth: Briarée [Hécatonchire]

child birth: Argès [Cyclope ouranien]

child birth: Stéropès [Cyclope ouranien]

child birth: Téthys [Titan]

child birth: Brontès [Cyclope ouranien]

marriage: Gaïa [Divinité Primordiale]

From grandparents to grandchildren

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