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Abdel Majid Cherif b. 1 February 1943 d. 14 February 2005

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Lineage Cherif
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Abdel Majid Cherif

Brahim Sirrajeddine Cherif [Cherif] d. 1997

Rafika Chouikha (Emna ?) [Chouikha] d. 1980


1 February 1943 birth:

marriage: Bernadette Fripiat [Fripiat] b. 22 June 1951

30 May 1977 child birth: Amel Cherif [Cherif] b. 30 May 1977

25 April 1979 child birth: Farouk Cherif [Cherif] b. 25 April 1979

18 April 1985 child birth: Samir Cherif [Cherif] b. 18 April 1985

14 February 2005 death: Tunis

From grandparents to grandchildren

Mohamed Cherif
occupation: Tunis, propriétaire terrien
Hamda Cherif
marriage: Aicha Lasram
occupation: 1909, Tunis, Tunisie, Premier Imam de la Zitouna, Cheikh Si Hamda, religieux le plus respecté de son époque.
death: 1951
Mohamed Tahar Lasram
birth: 11 October 1916, Tunis, Tunisie, [[Lieu:Palais des Lasram de la Rue Bir Lahjar|Palais Lasram]]
marriage: Jalila Ben Aissa
death: 15 February 1992, La Mecque
Mohamed Chouikha
other: Probablement marié à [[Personne:1475198|Hallouma Meherzi]]
marriage: Aicha Bach Mamlouk
Abderrahmane Cherif
marriage: Ain El Hayet Mrabet (Hayet)
burial: 19 March 2024, Cimetière du Djellaz
Mohamed Cherif
marriage: Cherifa Lakhoua
burial: 31 August 2023, Cimetière du Djellaz
== 3 ==
M'hamed Cherif
death: 30 December 2020
burial: 31 December 2020, Cimetière du Djellaz
Abdel Majid Cherif
birth: 1 February 1943
marriage: Bernadette Fripiat
death: 14 February 2005, Tunis
== 3 ==
Abla Jraied
birth: 14 February 1981, Paris, France
marriage: Farouk Cherif , Paris, France
Farouk Cherif
birth: 25 April 1979
marriage: Abla Jraied , Paris, France
Youssef Cherif
birth: 23 May 2012, La Marsa
Cyrine Cherif
birth: 23 May 2012, La Marsa

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