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Ahmed Djellouli

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Lineage Djellouli
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ahmed Djellouli

Hafedh Djellouli [Djellouli]

Leila Khattech [Khatteche]


marriage: Zeineb Belkhodja [Belkhodja] b. 1993

28 October 2014 child birth: Sarah Maria Djellouli [Djellouli] b. 28 October 2014

3 November 2024 child birth: Sophia Djellouli [Djellouli] b. 3 November 2024

From grandparents to grandchildren

Nefissa Djellouli
residence: Radès, Tunisie, Palais (Sadok) Djellouli
marriage: Mohammad Mohsen
Sadok Djellouli
residence: Radès, Tunisie, Palais (Sadok) Djellouli
residence: Radès, Tunisie, Palais (Taïeb) Djellouli
marriage: Safiya Djellouli
Lili Hannouna Djellouli
birth: Radès, Tunisie, Palais (Sadok) Djellouli
marriage: Rachid Mzali
M'hammed Djellouli
residence: Radès, Tunisie, Palais (Sadok) Djellouli
marriage: Neila Kaak
Zeineb Kaak
marriage: Hédi Haouat
death: 31 March 2021
Souad - Bakhta Khattèche
marriage: Mohamed Salah Ennaïfer
other: 1944, Tunis, fonde et dirige la section féminine de l'association des jeunes musulmans (éducation de la femme, ...)
Douja Khatteche
birth: Tunis
marriage: Ezzeddine Belkhodja
death: 15 March 1997
Hallouma Khatteche
birth: 1921, Médina de Tunis
graduation: Brevet d'études Secondaires
marriage: Slaheddine Darghouth
burial: 2006, Cimetière du Djellaz, Torbèt Darghouth
Mohamed Khatteche (Dit Hamadi)
marriage: Alya Ben Jaafar
death: 17 June 1984
burial: Cimetière Sidi Abdelaziz
Jamila Khatteche (Dalila)
marriage: Tijani Ben Othman
death: 8 May 2004
burial: Cimetière Sidi Jebali (Ariana)
Tahar Lakhoua
birth: 28 February 1918
children count: 5 enfants, dont un s'appelle Hamouda, comme son père.
marriage: Soufia Mrabet
death: 25 March 2008, Tunis, 2 rue Taha Hussein - Montfleury
burial: 26 March 2008, Cimetière du Djellaz, Tourbet famille Lakhoua
Fatma Lakhoua
birth: 30 December 1919
marriage: Abdelhamid Ben Chedly
death: 2 March 2007
Safia Lakhoua
birth: 6 March 1925
marriage: Abdelaziz Ben Ammar
death: 14 November 2014
burial: Cimetière Lella Maymoura
Saadia Lakhoua
birth: 23 May 1933
marriage: Slaheddine Ben Cheikh
death: 14 November 2016
burial: Cimetière Lella Maymoura
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Sarah Maria Djellouli
birth: 28 October 2014
Sophia Djellouli
birth: 3 November 2024

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