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Jeanne Anthoine (Antoine) d. 16 April 1762

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Lineage Anthoine
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Jeanne Anthoine
Other last names Antoine

Mathieu Anthoine [Anthoine] b. about 1660

Mansuette Huin [Huin] b. about 1662 d. 18 July 1707


birth: Briey (54)

26 September 1724 marriage: Dieulouard (54), Christophe Robin et Claude Benoist Le jeune sont présents à ce mariage et signent l'acte. , Claude Benoist [Benoist] b. 28 September 1692 d. 10 May 1762

29 January 1729 child birth: Dieulouard (54), Jeanne Benoit [Benoit] b. 29 January 1729 d. 25 December 1787

16 April 1762 death: Dieulouard (54)


Famille originaire de Briey.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Bastienne Blanchard
birth: about 1623
marriage: Jean Antoine
death: 16 October 1690, Briey (54)
Jean Antoine
birth: about 1631, Briey (54)
occupation: marchand drapier
marriage: Bastienne Blanchard
death: 22 April 1691, Briey (54)
Mathieu Anthoine
birth: about 1660, Briey (54)
occupation: marchand drapier
marriage: Mansuette Huin , Briey (54)
Mansuette Huin
birth: about 1662, Briey (54)
marriage: Mathieu Anthoine , Briey (54)
death: 18 July 1707, Briey (54)
== 3 ==
Barbe Anthoine (Antoine)
birth: 11 January 1677, Briey (54)
marriage: François Nicolas , Liverdun (54)
death: 8 May 1740, Dieulouard (54)
Claude Benoist
birth: 28 September 1692, Dieulouard (54)
occupation: Dieulouard (54), Maçon
marriage: Jeanne Anthoine (Antoine) , Dieulouard (54), Christophe Robin et Claude Benoist Le jeune sont présents à ce mariage et signent l'acte.
death: 10 May 1762, Dieulouard (54)
Jeanne Anthoine (Antoine)
birth: Briey (54)
marriage: Claude Benoist , Dieulouard (54), Christophe Robin et Claude Benoist Le jeune sont présents à ce mariage et signent l'acte.
death: 16 April 1762, Dieulouard (54)
== 3 ==
François David
birth: 15 June 1728, Pont-à-Mousson (54), Saint Laurent
occupation: tailleur d'habits à Dieulouard (54)
marriage: Jeanne Benoit , Dieulouard (54)
death: 18 February 1816, Dieulouard (54)
Jeanne Benoit
birth: 29 January 1729, Dieulouard (54)
marriage: François David , Dieulouard (54)
death: 25 December 1787, Dieulouard (54)
Elisabeth Morel
birth: 19 February 1772, Dieulouard (54)
marriage: Sébastien Louis David , Dieulouard (54)
death: 11 May 1835, Dieulouard (54)
Sébastien Louis David
birth: 11 August 1760, Dieulouard (54)
occupation: tailleur d'habits (1793) vigneron (1808)
marriage: Elisabeth Morel , Dieulouard (54)
death: 28 April 1808, Dieulouard (54)

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