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Robert Morrow b. estimated 1750 d. 18 March 1824

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Lineage Morrow
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Robert Morrow


estimated 1750 birth: North Carolina, USA

4 March 1779 marriage: Guilford County, North Carolina, USA, Elizabeth Shaw [Shaw] b. 1760 d. 23 October 1848

25 February 1793 child birth: Guilford County, North Carolina, USA, John Morrow [Morrow] b. 25 February 1793 d. 24 March 1836

18 March 1824 death: Warren County, Tennessee, USA


Served under Alexander Martin and later under Nathaniel Green at the battle of the Guilford Courthouse.

1790 Guilford Co, NC Census: 3 Robert Morrows listed, with 1/2/3, 1/2/4, 1/2/5 (16+m, 16-m,f) should be the 1/2/3. (Ancestry 2/8/99)

1820 Warren Co, TN?: 1u10 [grandson WL?] 1 18-26 [Alexander(19 or Robert (25))] 1 26-45 [John(27)] 1 45+ (Robert) , 1f 10-16, 1 26-45 (AIS Census, 9/3/01) - could be him or son w/ parents-in-law.

[edit] Sources

  1. Pension File: Robert Morrow (Revolutionary War). File for widow Elizabeth Shaw Morrow. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Elizabeth Shaw
birth: 1760
marriage: Robert Morrow , Guilford County, North Carolina, USA
death: 23 October 1848, Warren County, Tennessee, USA
Robert Morrow
birth: estimated 1750, North Carolina, USA
marriage: Elizabeth Shaw , Guilford County, North Carolina, USA
death: 18 March 1824, Warren County, Tennessee, USA
== 1 ==
John Morrow
birth: 25 February 1793, Guilford County, North Carolina, USA
death: 24 March 1836, Warren County, Tennessee, USA, Nuncupative will recorded in Warren County will book gives date
Mary J. Kimberling
birth: about 1837, Missouri
marriage: Demostenes Graccus Morrow , Greene Co, MO, USA
death: after 1900
Demostenes Graccus Morrow
birth: 19 November 1823, McMinneville, Warren, TN, USA
marriage: Mary J. Kimberling , Greene Co, MO, USA
census: 5 June 1900, Water Creek, Marion Co, AR, USA
death: 12 August 1923, Marion Co, AR, USA
Nancy L. McDaniel (Carthel, Morrow)
birth: 20 October 1830, Davidson Co, NC, USA
marriage: Thomas Carthel , Greene Co, MO, USA
marriage: Napoleon Bonaparte Morrow , Greene Co, MO, USA
death: 23 December 1917, Ozark, Christian Co, MO, USA
Napoleon Bonaparte Morrow
birth: 1825, Tennessee, USA
marriage: Nancy L. McDaniel (Carthel, Morrow) , Greene Co, MO, USA
census: 1860, Finley, Christian County, Missouri, USA
death: about 1865, Ozark, Greene County, Missouri, USA
Catherine Adams
birth: April 1843, Arkansas
marriage: Baron DeKalb Morrow , Arkansas
Baron DeKalb Morrow
birth: December 1828, McMinneville, Warren, TN, USA
marriage: Catherine Adams , Arkansas
death: 17 March 1901, Marion Co, AR, USA

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