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Johan Gustaf Forsen b. 25 December 1799 d. 14 January 1874

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Lineage Forsen
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Johan Gustaf Forsen

Johan Forsen [Forsen]

Maria Store (Forsen) [Store]


25 December 1799 birth: Kokkola, Sweden, in present day Finland

20 January 1829 marriage: Kronoby, Finland, (Kruununkylä), Johanna Maria Staudinger (Forsen) [Staudinger] b. 6 December 1810 d. 21 April 1871

14 January 1874 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 3 ==
Maria Elisabeth Forsen (Borg)
birth: 16 January 1801, Kokkola, Sweden, in present day Finland
marriage: Fredrik Borg , Kokkola, Finland
death: 22 August 1828, Kokkola, Grand Duchy of Finland, Russian Empire, in present day Finland
Johanna Maria Staudinger (Forsen)
birth: 6 December 1810, Kokkola, Finland
marriage: Johan Gustaf Forsen , Kronoby, Finland, (Kruununkylä)
death: 21 April 1871, Kokkola, Finland
Johan Gustaf Forsen
birth: 25 December 1799, Kokkola, Sweden, in present day Finland
marriage: Johanna Maria Staudinger (Forsen) , Kronoby, Finland, (Kruununkylä)
death: 14 January 1874
== 3 ==

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