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Taylor Eugene Grumbois

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Lineage Grumbois
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Taylor Eugene Grumbois

Catherine Elizabeth Van Winkle [Van Winkle] b. 17 October 1986

From grandparents to grandchildren

Richard Van Winkle
marriage: Roswitha Hofmann (Van Winkle) , Wiesbaden, Germany
adoption: 1979, Michael Alexander Hofmann
Walter Hofmann
birth: 2 April 1953, Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany
Cornelia Hofmann
birth: 10 May 1961, Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany
Roswitha Hofmann (Van Winkle)
birth: 15 February 1957, Wiesbaden, Germany
marriage: Richard Van Winkle , Wiesbaden, Germany
baptism lds: 12 February 1979, Frankfurt, Germany
endownment lds: 12 May 1979, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Benjamin Richard Van Winkle
birth: 2 February 1979, Wiesbaden, Germany
Michael Alexander Hofmann (Van Winkle)
birth: 17 June 1976, Wiesbaden, Germany
adoption: 1979
Barbara Ann Van Winkle
birth: 16 April 1980, Augusta (Georgia)
Jonathan David Van Winkle
birth: 31 July 1981, Heerlenn, Netherlands
Samuel Walter Van Winkle
birth: 2 August 1984
Catherine Elizabeth Van Winkle
birth: 17 October 1986
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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