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Ludwig V. von Bayern (von Wittelsbach) b. May 1315 d. 18 September 1361

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Lineage Wittelsbach
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ludwig V. von Bayern
Other last names von Wittelsbach
Other given names der Brandenburger

Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria [Wittelsbach] b. 1 April 1282 d. 11 October 1347

Beatrycza von Schlesien-Glogau [Piastowie] b. about 1290 d. 24 August 1322

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Ludwig V. (Bayern)


May 1315 birth:

1323 title: Margrave de Brandebourg

1324 marriage: Margrethe de Danemark [Estridsen] b. 1305 d. 1340

1326 child birth: Elisabeth de Bavière [Wittelsbach] b. 1326 d. 1345

1342 marriage: Margarethe de Carinthie [Carinthie] b. 1318 d. 3 October 1369

March 1343 child birth: Hermann de Bavière [Wittelsbach] b. March 1343 d. 1360

9 February 1344 child birth: w Meinhard III von Tirol [Wittelsbach] b. 9 February 1344 d. 13 January 1363

1347 title: Duc de Bavière

1349 title: Duc de Haute-Bavière

18 September 1361 death: Zorneding

From grandparents to grandchildren

Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII)
birth: 19 November 1235, Landshut
marriage: Erszebet de Hongrie
title: 29 November 1253, Landshut, Duc de Haute-Bavière
title: 1255, Duc de Basse-Bavière
death: 3 February 1290, Burghausen
Agnes von Bayern
birth: 1240
death: 7 December 1306
Marie de Brabant
birth: 1226
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg
title: 2 August 1254, Heidelberg, Duchesse de Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
title: 1255, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 18 January 1256, Donauworth
Anna de Schlesien-Glogau
birth: 1240
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II)
title: 1260, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
death: 28 May 1271
Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II)
birth: 13 April 1229, Heidelberg
title: 29 November 1253, Kelheim, Duc de Bavière et Comte palatin du Rhin
marriage: Marie de Brabant , Heidelberg
title: 1255, Duc de Haute-Bavière
marriage: Anna de Schlesien-Glogau
marriage: w Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
death: 12 February 1294, Heidelberg
Albert I of Austria
birth: July 1255
marriage: Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Duke of Styria
title: 1298, Margrave of Meißen
title: from 1298 - 1308, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 1 May 1308
Klementia of Habsburg
birth: 1262
marriage: Charles Martel of Anjou , Vienna (Austria)
title: 11 January 1281, Vienne (Autriche), Princesse héritière de Hongrie
title: 10 July 1290, Kőröshegy, Reine de Hongrie
death: 8 February 1293
Agnes de Habsbourg
birth: about 1257, Rheinfelden (Baden), ville libre du Saint-Empire romain germanique
marriage: Albrecht II von Sachsen-Wittenberg
title: 1273, duchesse de Saxe
death: 11 October 1322, Wittemberg, duché de Saxe-Wittemberg
Юдита Габсбург
birth: 13 March 1271, Райнфельден, Швабия
title: 24 January 1285, Egra, Королева Чехии
marriage: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia , Cheb (Czech Republic), (Egra)
title: 1292, Duchesse de Sandomierz
title: 1295, Великая княгиня Польши (Кракова)
death: 21 May 1297, Прага, Королевство Богемия
Hedwig de Habsbourg
birth: 1259
marriage: Otto de Brandebourg (Otto IV)
title: 1279, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1286
Katharina von Habsburg
birth: about 1256, Rheinfelden
marriage: w Otto III von Bayern
death: 4 April 1282, Landshut
Hartmann de Habsbourg
birth: 1263
death: 1281
Rudolf de Habsbourg (Rudolf II d'Autriche)
birth: 1270
title: 1282, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
other: 1 June 1283, Vienne (Autriche), Renonciation aux Duchés
title: 1289, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Agneska de Bohême , Prague
death: 10 May 1290
Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich
birth: 1251, Rheinfelden AG
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
title: 1273, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 23 December 1304
Judyta Askańczyk
birth: 1275
marriage: Rudolf I von Sachsen-Wittenberg
title: 1298, Duchesse de Saxe
death: 9 May 1328
Mathilda von Brandenburg
birth: about 1270
marriage: w Генрих IV Пробус
death: before 1 June 1298
Herman III Długi
birth: 1275
marriage: Anna d'Autriche , Graz
title: July 1299, маркграф Бранденбурга
death: January 1308
birth: before 1283
death: about 1296
Wladislaus von Beuthen und Cosel
birth: between 1277 and 1283
marriage: Beatrycze
death: 1352
Генрих V Брюхатый
birth: about 1248
marriage: Елизавета
title: from 1273 - 1278, князь Яворский
title: from 1278 - 1296, князь Легницкий
title: from 1290 - 22 February 1296, князь Вроцлавский
death: 22 February 1296, Легница
burial: монастырь клариссинок во Вроцлаве
Agnes von Schlesien-Liegnitz
birth: between 1243 and 1250
marriage: Ulrich I von Württemberg
death: 13 March 1265
Bolko I von Schweidnitz
birth: about 1253
marriage: Beatrycze , Berlin
death: 9 November 1301
Rudolf de Bavière (Rudolf Ier)
birth: 4 October 1274, Bâle
marriage: Mechthild von Nassau
title: 12 February 1294, Heidelberg, Duc de Haute-Bavière et Comte palatin du Rhin
other: 1317, Abdication
death: 12 August 1319, Heidelberg
Agnese de Bavière
birth: 1262
death: 21 October 1269
Ludwig de Bavière
birth: 13 September 1267
marriage: Elisabeth von Lothringen
death: 23 November 1290, Nuremberg
Mathilda de Bavière
birth: 1275, Munich
title: 1288, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Princesse de Lunebourg
marriage: Otto II "der Strenge" von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 28 March 1319, Lunebourg
Agnese de Bavière
birth: 1276
marriage: Heinrich von Hessen , Donauwörth
title: 15 January 1290, Landgravine héritière de Hesse
marriage: Heinrich de Brandebourg (Heinrich Ier)
title: 1298, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 22 July 1345
Anna de Bavière
birth: 1280
Margaret II of Avesnes
birth: between 1307 and 1310
marriage: Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria , Cologne
title: 25 February 1324, Gräfin von Holland und Seeland
title: 1327, Gräfin von Hennegau
title: 1328, Kaiserin der Römer
death: 23 June 1356
Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria
birth: 1 April 1282, Munich, Bavaria
marriage: Beatrycza von Schlesien-Glogau
title: 1314, Duke of Upper Bavaria
title: 1317, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Margaret II of Avesnes , Cologne
title: 1327, Count Palatine of the Rhine
title: 1328, Emperor Holy Roman Empire
title: 17 January 1328, Margrave of Brandenburg
death: 11 October 1347, Fürstenfeldbruck
Bernhard II von Schweidnitz
birth: about 1291
death: 6 May 1326
Bolko II von Münsterberg
birth: about 1300
marriage: Jutta
death: 11 June 1341, Münsterberg
Judith de Lwowec
birth: 1285
marriage: w Stephan de Bavière (Stephan Ier)
title: 1297, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
death: 1320
Beatrycza von Schlesien-Glogau
birth: about 1290
marriage: Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria
title: 1308, księżniczka głogowska
title: 1314, Reine des Romains
title: 1317, Duchesse de Bavière
death: 24 August 1322, Munich
== 3 ==
Стефан II Баварский
birth: 22 December 1311, Мюнхен, Бавария
marriage: w Елизавета Сицилийская
title: 11 October 1347, Герцог Верхней Баварии
title: 1349, Герцог Нижней Баварии-Ландсхута
marriage: Margarete de Nuremberg
title: 1363, Герцог Верхней Баварии
death: 19 May 1375, Ландсхут, Бавария
Matilda of Bavaria ?
birth: after 21 June 1313
marriage: w Friedrich II Wettin of Meissen , Nuremberg
death: 2 July 1346, Meissen
Anna Wittelsbach von Bayern
birth: 1316
death: 29 January 1319
Albert I of Bavaria
birth: 25 July 1336, Munich, Bavaria
title: 11 October 1347, Count of Hainaut
title: 1349, Count of Holland
title: 1353, Count of Zeeland
marriage: Margareta von Schlesien-Liegnitz
death: 13 December 1404, The Hague
Elisabeth of Bayern
birth: 1329
marriage: Cangrande II Della Scala
marriage: Ulrich von Württemberg
title: 1362, Comtesse héritière de Wurtemberg
death: 2 August 1402
Margarete de Bavière
birth: 1325
marriage: w Stephan von Ungarn-Kroatien
title: January 1350, Comtesse de Szepes et de Saros
title: 1353, Duchesse de Slavonie
death: 1374
Otto de Bavière
birth: 1346
title: 1347, Duc de Haute-Bavière
marriage: Catherine de Luxembourg
death: 15 November 1379, Wolfstein (Principauté)
Anna de Bavière
birth: 1326
birth: 1361
Людвиг VI Баварский Виттельсбах
birth: 1330, Рим, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Ингеборга Мекленбургская
title: 11 October 1347, Fürstenfeldbruck, Верхне-Баварское герцогство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, герцог
title: 1351, Бранденбургское маркграфство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, маркграф
marriage: Kunegunda Kazimierzówna Piast
title: 1361, Бранденбургское курфюрство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, курфюрст
death: 1365, Берлин, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
Wilhelm I von Bayern
birth: 1330, Frankfurt am Main
marriage: w Matilda Plantagenet (Countess of Leicester)
death: 15 April 1388, Le Quesnoy
Beatrix de Bavière
birth: 1344
title: 1356, Reine de Suède
death: 1359
Margrethe de Danemark
birth: 1305
marriage: w Ludwig V. von Bayern (von Wittelsbach)
title: 1324, Margravine de Brandebourg et Princesse de Bavière
death: 1340
Margarethe de Carinthie
birth: 1318
marriage: w Ludwig V. von Bayern (von Wittelsbach)
title: 1342, Margravine de Brandebourg et Princesse de Bavière
title: 1347, Duchesse de Bavière
title: 1349, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 3 October 1369
Ludwig V. von Bayern (von Wittelsbach)
birth: May 1315
title: 1323, Margrave de Brandebourg
marriage: Margrethe de Danemark
marriage: Margarethe de Carinthie
title: 1347, Duc de Bavière
title: 1349, Duc de Haute-Bavière
death: 18 September 1361, Zorneding
== 3 ==
Margarethe von Österreich
birth: 1346
title: 1359, Princesse de Bavière
marriage: w Meinhard III von Tirol
title: 18 September 1361, Zorneding, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
marriage: Йоганн Генріх фон Люксембург
death: 1366
Meinhard III von Tirol
birth: 9 February 1344
marriage: Margarethe von Österreich
title: 18 September 1361, Zorneding, Duc de Haute-Bavière
death: 13 January 1363, Meran
Elisabeth de Bavière
birth: 1326
death: 1345
Hermann de Bavière
birth: March 1343
death: 1360

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