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Marie Lemoine b. 15 June 1872 d. 29 December 1972

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Lineage Lemoine
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Marie Lemoine

Marie Lemoine [Lemoine] b. estimated 1852 d. before 8 July 1895


15 June 1872 birth: Paris (75011)

child birth: Louis Bralant [Bralant]

child birth: Madeleine Bralant [Bralant]

1895 residence: Le Plessier (Grivesnes)

8 July 1895 marriage: Grivesnes (80), Arthur Bralant (Moral, Maural) [Bralant] b. 7 October 1870 d. 26 May 1948

21 November 1897 child birth: Paris (75015), Gabrielle Bralant [Bralant] b. 21 November 1897 d. 26 October 1997

7 June 1902 child birth: Paris (75015), Marceau Bralant [Bralant] b. 7 June 1902 d. before 19 August 1930

29 December 1972 death: Cachan (94)


From grandparents to grandchildren

Alexandre Lemoine
death: before 8 July 1895
Marie Lemoine
birth: estimated 1852
death: before 8 July 1895
== 3 ==
Arthur Bralant (Moral, Maural)
birth: 7 October 1870, Amiens (80)
occupation: 1895, Amiens (80), ouvrier de fabrique.
residence: 1895, Amiens (80), 1, rue Saint-Jean.
marriage: Marie Lemoine , Grivesnes (80)
residence: 1897, Paris (75015), 45, rue Rouelle.
residence: 22 March 1899, Paris (75015), 109, boulevard de Grenelle.
residence: 19 July 1899, Breteuil (27)
residence: December 1899, Aubervilliers (93), 89, rue du vivier.
residence: April 1902, Issy-les-Moulineaux (92), 4, boulevard du point du jour
residence: April 1903, Paris (75015), rue Virginie. A pris le nom de Gutemberg en 1914.
residence: April 1911, Paris (75015), 6, rue du Pourtour du théâtre.Renommée rue Meihac en 1932.
death: 26 May 1948, Saint-Vaast-lès-Mello (60), en mention marginale sur acte de naissance.
Marie Lemoine
birth: 15 June 1872, Paris (75011)
residence: 1895, Le Plessier (Grivesnes)
marriage: Arthur Bralant (Moral, Maural) , Grivesnes (80)
death: 29 December 1972, Cachan (94)
== 3 ==
Germaine Charbonnel
birth: 17 December 1907, Paris (75011)
marriage: Marceau Bralant , Paris (75010)
death: 7 July 1966, Saint-Florentin (89)
Marceau Bralant
birth: 7 June 1902, Paris (75015)
occupation: Monteur
marriage: Germaine Charbonnel , Paris (75010)
death: before 19 August 1930
Joseph Charles Victor Mardrus
birth: 11 November 1868, Le Caire, Égypte
occupation: médecin, [[Ecrivain|Écrivain]], traducteur.
marriage: w Lucie Delarue (Delarue-Mardrus)
marriage: Gabrielle Bralant , Paris (75007)
death: 26 March 1946, Paris (75)
Gabrielle Bralant
birth: 21 November 1897, Paris (75015)
marriage: Joseph Charles Victor Mardrus , Paris (75007)
death: 26 October 1997, Paris (75016)
Jacques Chesnais
occupation: marionnettiste. En savoir + sur [ Jacques Chesnais]
marriage: Madeleine Bralant
Robert Théol
birth: 11 May 1923, Magny-en-Vexin (95)
other: from 1943 - 1945, Camp de Sachsenhausen, déporté
marriage: Colette Bralant , Mantes-la-Jolie (78)
Colette Bralant
birth: 25 March 1926, Paris (75015)
marriage: Robert Théol , Mantes-la-Jolie (78)

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