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Zosimus Ascalon (of Gaza) d. after 525

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Lineage Waelsing
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Zosimus Ascalon
Other last names of Gaza

Zosimus Scribos (The Elder) [Waelsing] b. before 480 d. about 480



birth: Ascalon (Isqalluna)

between 491 and 518 occupation: Gaza, Historian

after 525 death:


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  • Ascalon (Isqalluna)

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[edit] Sources

  1. - Isqalluna is the Accadian Spelling of Ashkelon

From grandparents to grandchildren

Zosimus Scribos (The Elder)
birth: before 480
occupation: Historian
title: Advocatus
religion: Not Christian
death: about 480, Gaza
== 2 ==
Zosimus Ascalon (of Gaza)
birth: Ascalon (Isqalluna)
occupation: between 491 and 518, Gaza, Historian
death: after 525
== 2 ==

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