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Edmund Radziwill b. 6 September 1842 d. 9 August 1895

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Lineage Radziwill
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Edmund Radziwill
Other given names Edmund, Prinz Radziwill

Boguslaw Fryderyk Radziwill [Radziwill] b. 3 January 1809 d. 2 January 1873

Leontine Gabrielle von Clary-Aldringen (Radziwill) [Clary-Aldringen] b. 1811 d. 1890

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Edmund von Radziwill


6 September 1842 birth: Teplice, Tschechien

1867 other: święcenia kapłańskie

from 1881 - 1886 other: proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim

9 August 1895 death: Belgien


депутат рейхстага, написал "Die kirchliche Autoritat und das Moderne Bewusstsein" (1872) и "Die Wunder in Marpingen" (1877).

From grandparents to grandchildren

Friederike Elisabeth Dorothea Henrietta Amalia von Preußen
birth: 1 November 1761
death: 28 August 1773
Friedrich Heinrich Emil Karl von Preußen
birth: 20 October 1769
death: 8 December 1773
Heinrich Friedrich Karl Ludwig von Preußen
birth: 1 November 1771
death: 8 October 1790
Ludwig Ferdinand von Preussen
birth: 8 November 1772, Schloss Friedrichsfelde
title: принц Пруссий
death: 10 October 1806, Wöhlsdorf (Saalfeld), Saalfeld/Saale
Friedrich Paul Heinrich August von Preußen
birth: 29 November 1776
death: 2 December 1776
Фридрих Вильгельм Генрих Август Гогенцоллерн
birth: 19 September 1779
title: принц Пруссии
death: 19 July 1843
Luise von Preußen
birth: 24 May 1770, Berlin
title: Princess of Prussia
marriage: Antoni Henryk Radziwiłł
death: 7 December 1836, Berlin
Angelika Radziwiłł
birth: 3 October 1781
title: Prinzessin
marriage: Константин Адам Чарторыйский , Nieberów
death: 16 September 1808, Wien
Михаил Гедеон Радзивилл
birth: 24 September 1778, Варшава, Речь Посполитая
title: князь
marriage: Александра Стецкая (Радзивилл)
death: 24 May 1850, Варшава, Российская империя
Antoni Henryk Radziwiłł
birth: 13 June 1775, Vilnius, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
title: prince
marriage: Luise von Preußen
other: from 1815 - 1831, Duke-Governor of the Grand Duchy of Posen
death: 7 April 1833, Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia
Carl Joseph (Karl Josef) von Clary-Aldringen
birth: 12 December 1777, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Maria Aloisia Chotek von Chotkow , Nové Dvory (Kutná Hora District)
death: 31 May 1831, Vienna (Austria)
Karel (Carl) Chotek von Chotkow
birth: 23 July 1783, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Maria Sophia Berchtoldová z Uherčic
death: 28 December 1868, Vienna (Austria)
Hermann Chotek
birth: 28 September 1786, Wien
marriage: Henriette Korompai Grof Brunsvick
death: 25 April 1822, Mailand
Maria Aloisia Chotek von Chotkow
birth: 1777
marriage: Carl Joseph (Karl Josef) von Clary-Aldringen , Nové Dvory (Kutná Hora District)
death: 1864
Elisa Friederike Luise Martha Radziwiłł
birth: 28 October 1803, Berlin
title: księżniczka
death: 27 September 1834, Bad Freienwalde
Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Nikolaus von Radziwill
birth: 19 March 1797, Berlin
title: Fürst
marriage: Helena Radziwill
marriage: Mathilde Christine von Clary-Aldringen (Radziwill)
fact 1: from 1847 - 1870, Mitglied des Preußischen Herrenhauses
death: 5 August 1870, Berlin
Ferdinand Friedrich von Radziwiłł
birth: 1798, Berlin
title: князь
death: 8 September 1827
Boguslaw Fryderyk Radziwill
birth: 3 January 1809, Königsberg
title: Prince
marriage: Leontine Gabrielle von Clary-Aldringen (Radziwill)
other: 1854, member of the Prussian parliament
death: 2 January 1873, Berlin
Edmund Moritz von Clary-Aldringen
birth: 3 February 1813, Vienna (Austria)
title: Prince von Clary und Aldringen
marriage: Elisabeth Alexandra Maria Teresa von Ficquelmont (von Clary) , Vienna (Austria)
death: 21 June 1894, Teplice, Austria
Mathilde Christine von Clary-Aldringen (Radziwill)
birth: 13 January 1806, Vienna (Austria)
title: Gfn
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Nikolaus von Radziwill
death: 4 November 1896, Berlin
== 3 ==
Ferdynand Fryderyk Radziwiłł
birth: 19 October 1834, Berlin
title: Prince
other: from 1874 - 1919, Member of the Reichstag
other: from 1919 - 1922, member of the Legislative Sejm of the Second Polish Republic
death: 28 February 1926, Rome
Edmund Radziwill
birth: 6 September 1842, Teplice, Tschechien
other: 1867, święcenia kapłańskie
other: from 1881 - 1886, proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim
death: 9 August 1895, Belgien
== 3 ==

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