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William Hitchcock b. 1890

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Lineage Hitchcock
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) William Hitchcock

Emma Jane Whelan (Hitchcock) [Whelan] b. 1863 d. 26 September 1942

William Hitchcock [Hitchcock] b. 1862 d. 12 December 1914


1890 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Emma Jane Whelan (Hitchcock)
birth: 1863
marriage: William Hitchcock
death: 26 September 1942, England
William Hitchcock
birth: 1862
marriage: Emma Jane Whelan (Hitchcock)
occupation: Gemüsehändler
death: 12 December 1914
== 2 ==
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock
birth: 13 August 1899, Leytonstone, London, England
marriage: Alma Lucy Reville (Hitchcock)
death: 29 April 1980, Los Angeles, USA, Gestorben an Nierenversagen
Eileen Hitchcock
birth: 1892
== 2 ==

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