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Bertrand Chipreo

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Lineage Chipreo
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Bertrand Chipreo

Georges Roland Chipreo [Chipreo] b. 24 November 1932 d. 7 December 2010

From grandparents to grandchildren

Olga Chipreo
birth: November 1892, Jendouba, Tunisie
nationality: Grecque
marriage: Mohamed Benali Kacem , Jendouba
death: 1943
Nicolas Chipreo
birth: 1894, Jendouba, Tunisie
occupation: Commissaire de police
marriage: Berthe Charlotte Ellul
Dimitri Chipreo (Dimitrio)
birth: 1903
occupation: Tunis, Huissier à la cour de justice
marriage: Gisèle Gagliano (Giselda)
death: 1946
Suzanne Marie Victorine Chipreo
birth: 12 January 1928, Tunis, Tunisie
death: 27 October 2020, Pessac (33)
Georges Roland Chipreo
birth: 24 November 1932, Béja, Tunisie
title: 14 November 2010, Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite
death: 7 December 2010, Bordeaux (33)
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