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Isis ?

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Lineage Ancient Egyptian God
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Isis ?
Wiki-page wikipedia:Isis


residence: Serepta (Cyprus)

title: Mother of the God

title: Consort of Apophus, Sebennytos

title: Consort of Ares

marriage: Osiris [Ancient Egyptian God]


While some equate her with the goddess Hathor, others show a strong affinity to the Egyptian goddess Isis: At the beginning of the Roman period (1000 BC) temples to Isis were built in Iraq, Greece and Rome, with a well preserved example discovered in Pompeii. On the Greek island of Delos a Doric Temple of Isis was built on a high over-looking hill at the beginning of the Roman period to venerate the familiar trinity of Isis, the Alexandrian Serapis and Anubis. Prior to this Aphrodite's chief center of worship remained at Paphos, on the south-western coast of Cyprus, where the goddess of desire had been worshipped from the early Iron Age as Isis/Ishtar and Ashtaroth. While Hebrew scholars say that Kalimath Azura (variously, Aklia, Climia Aklemia and Kali Azura) associate her to the Hebrew pantheon as a daughter of Geb/Gebel and Lilith the younger.

Interestingly, regardless of which view is taken of Aphrodite's origins, the mythology all agrees that she was native to Sereptha (Cyprus) and associated with the "Clan of the Shell" or given (in the case of the Greeks) an aquatic birth (Semma-nut). The cult of Onuris was first attested in the Thinite Nome near Abydos, from the Old Kingdom and Onuris-Shu and his consort Mehyt had cult centres at both Samannud and This.

According to Herodotus, Azura (Aphrodite) was the daughter of the God Serapis (Osirus) and Isis. But Greek mythology is notoriously inaccurate; according to Egyptian records Azura (Isis I) was the wife of Serapis (Osirus) and mother of Isis. Given the Egyptian penchant for endogamous marriage to ones siblings and offspring, it is possible for both legends to be at least partially accurate with Isis as both the daughter and wife of Osirus. Or else there were two queens named Isis (Mother and daughter of Osirus / Aphrodite and Isis) whose attributes and Iconography were later fused together as one goddess in the mythologies.

In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris (Scorpion I), who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Seth. However Osirus was resurrected with all parts intact except a penis which could indicate that Horus was the postumous levirate son of Osirus (fathered by Seth).

Most Egyptian deities first appeared as very local cults and throughout their history retained those local centers of worship, with most major cities and towns widely known as the home of these deities. Isis originally was an independent and popular deity established in predynastic times, prior to 3100 B.C., at Sebennytos in the northern delta

[| Aphrodite]

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Isis ?
residence: Serepta (Cyprus)
title: Mother of the God
title: Consort of Apophus, Sebennytos
title: Consort of Ares
marriage: Osiris
== 1 ==

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