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Anne Denis

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Lineage Denis
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anne Denis

Jacques Denis de Villefaureux (ou Villefarreuse) [Denis] b. estimated 1675

Marie-Geneviève Legras [Legras] d. 24 September 1751


17 July 1728 marriage: Eustache François Le Cousturier [Le Cousturier]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Jean Denis
occupation: Paris (75), Marchand drapier, bourgeois de Paris.
marriage: Anne Daynval
Anne Daynval
marriage: Jean Denis
death: 25 July 1668, Paris (75), Saints-Innocents
Philippe Le Gras
occupation: Paris (75), Bourgeois, marchand à Paris
marriage: Geneviève Boucher
Geneviève Boucher
marriage: Philippe Le Gras
death: December 1737, Paris (75)
Jacques Denis de Villefaureux (ou Villefarreuse)
birth: estimated 1675
occupation: Marchand, quartinier de la Ville de Paris
occupation: tresorier general des Batimants, arts et manufactures de France
property: Sieur de Villefavreux
marriage: Marie-Geneviève Legras , Paris (75)
other: 1720, Anobilis par chage d'échevin
Philippe Legras
occupation: Md bgs de Paris
marriage: Thérèse Delacroix
Antoine Legras
occupation: Confrère de l'Oratoire,
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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