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Jacob Nicolas Moreau (de Chambourcy) b. 20 December 1717 d. 29 June 1803

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Lineage Moreau
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Jacob Nicolas Moreau
Other last names de Chambourcy
Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Jacob-Nicolas Moreau


20 December 1717 birth: Saint-Florentin (89)

child birth: Jeanne Paul Augustine Moreau [Moreau]

marriage: Henriette-Marguerite Contaud de Coulange [Contaud] b. 1727 d. 1760

29 June 1803 death: Chambourcy (78)


  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Jacob Nicolas Moreau (de Chambourcy)
birth: 20 December 1717, Saint-Florentin (89)
marriage: Henriette-Marguerite Contaud de Coulange
death: 29 June 1803, Chambourcy (78)
== 1 ==
Martial Gabriel de Clédat
birth: 29 May 1764, Uzerche (19)
title: baron de Clédat
marriage: Jeanne Paul Augustine Moreau , Versailles (78), Notre-Dame
death: 30 October 1849, Chambourcy (78)

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