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Sophie Juliane Friederike von Dönhoff b. 17 October 1768 d. between 28 January 1834 and 28 January 1838

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Lineage Dönhoff
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Sophie Juliane Friederike von Dönhoff

Friedrich Wilhelm von Dönhoff [Dönhoff] b. 8 February 1723 d. 1 December 1774

Anna Sophie Charlotte von Langermann [Langermann] b. 16 May 1740 d. 31 August 1793


17 October 1768 birth:

24 January 1792 child birth: Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 24 January 1792 d. 6 November 1850

4 January 1793 child birth: Sophie Julie von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 4 January 1793 d. 27 January 1848

between 28 January 1834 and 28 January 1838 death: auf dem Gut Beerbaum im damaligen Landkreis Oberbarnim


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Bogislaw Friedrich von Dönhoff
birth: 6 December 1669, Königsberg
marriage: Sophia Charlotte von Lehndorff
death: 24 December 1742, Dönhoffstädt
Alexander von Dönhoff
birth: 9 February 1683, Königsberg (Preußen)
marriage: Charlotte von Blumenthal
death: 9 October 1742, Berlin
Charlotte von Blumenthal
birth: 10 April 1701, Berlin
marriage: Alexander von Dönhoff
death: 28 September 1761, Berlin
Anna Sophie Charlotte von Langermann
birth: 16 May 1740
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm von Dönhoff
death: 31 August 1793, Penzlin
== 3 ==
Frederick William II
birth: 25 September 1744, Berlin, Prussia
marriage: Wilhelmine Enke
marriage: Elizabeth Christine , Berlin, Prussia, Charlottenburg Palace
divorce: Elizabeth Christine
marriage: Frederika Louisa , Berlin, Prussia, Charlottenburg Palace
title: from 17 August 1786 - 16 November 1797, King of Prussia
title: from 17 August 1786 - 16 November 1797, Elector of Brandenburg
title: from 17 August 1786 - 16 November 1797, Prince of Neuchâtel
marriage: Julie von Voß , Berlin, chapel in Charlottenburger castle
death: 16 November 1797, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia, Marmorpalais
Sophie Juliane Friederike von Dönhoff
birth: 17 October 1768
death: between 28 January 1834 and 28 January 1838, auf dem Gut Beerbaum im damaligen Landkreis Oberbarnim
== 3 ==
Frederica Charlotte Ulrika Katherine
birth: 7 May 1767, Berlin, Prussia, Charlottenburg Palace
marriage: Frederick Augustus
title: 29 September 1791, Princess of Prussia
death: 6 August 1820, Weybridge (England), Surrey (England), Oatlands Park
Wilhelmine Princess of Prussia
birth: 18 November 1774, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
title: durch Herkunft: Prinzessin von Preußen
title: durch Heirat: Königin der Niederlande
marriage: Вильям I (Вильгельм Фридрих) Оранский
death: 12 October 1837, The Hague, Noordeinde Palace
burial: after 12 October 1837, Delft, Netherlands, Nieuwe Kerk
Christine Prussia
birth: 31 August 1772
title: Prinzessin von Preußen
death: 14 June 1773
Friedrich Karl Ludwig von Preussen
birth: 5 November 1773, Potsdam, Germany
title: Prince of Prussia
marriage: Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
death: 28 December 1796, Berlin, Germany
Augusta Prussia
birth: 1 May 1780
title: 13 February 1797, принцесса Прусская
marriage: Wilhelm II von Hessen , Berlin
title: 20 November 1815
title: 27 February 1821, Cassel (Hesse), Princesse de Hesse
death: 19 February 1841, Cassel (Hesse)
Charles Prussia
birth: 30 December 1781
title: принц Прусский
death: 12 July 1846
William Prussia
birth: 3 July 1783
title: 3 July 1783, by Race: Prince of Prussia
marriage: Maria Anna de Hesse-Homburg
death: 28 September 1851
Friedrich Wilhelm III King of Prussia
birth: 3 August 1770, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia
marriage: Luisa Augusta Wilhelmina Amelia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz , Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia
title: 1797, Kurfürst von Brandenburg
title: from 16 November 1797 - 7 June 1840, König von Preußen
marriage: Auguste von Harrach
death: 7 June 1840, Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia
? ? Гогенцоллерн
birth: 29 November 1777
death: 29 November 1777
Mathilde von Massenbach
birth: 24 October 1795
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg , Potsdam
death: 5 March 1885, Berlin
Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg
birth: 24 January 1792
title: Graf von Brandenburg
marriage: Mathilde von Massenbach , Potsdam
title: 1849, Preußische Außenminister
death: 6 November 1850, Berlin
Friedrich Ferdinand von Anhalt-Köthen-Pless
birth: 25 June 1769, Pszczyna, Schlesien
marriage: Luise von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck , Lindenau
marriage: Sophie Julie von Brandenburg , Berlin
death: 23 August 1830, Köthen (Anhalt)
Sophie Julie von Brandenburg
birth: 4 January 1793
title: Gräfin von Brandenburg
marriage: Friedrich Ferdinand von Anhalt-Köthen-Pless , Berlin
death: 27 January 1848, Wien

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