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Léopold de Lannoy b. 1926 d. 2011

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Lineage Lannoy
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Léopold de Lannoy

Maurice Marie Joseph Antoine François de Lannoy [Lannoy]

Louise Marie Ghislaine Andrée Charlotte de Spoelberch [Spoelberch]


1926 birth:

marriage: Florence de Croÿ [Croÿ]

2011 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Charles Maximilien Marie Joseph von Lannoy
birth: 12 September 1828, Stadt Brüssel
marriage: Emma du Parc
death: 13 May 1901
Emma du Parc
birth: 26 July 1843, Ypres
marriage: Charles Maximilien Marie Joseph von Lannoy
death: 27 April 1902, Stadt Brüssel
Clotilde de Woelmont
birth: 17 January 1857, Bruxelles
marriage: Adrien d'Oultremont
death: 3 September 1943, Bruxelles
Philippe Marie Joseph François von Lannoy
birth: 23 April 1866, Stadt Brüssel
death: 9 March 1937
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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