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Théodore de Dartein b. 31 August 1852 d. 2 October 1936

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Lineage Dartein
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Théodore de Dartein

Cécile Laurent [Laurent] b. 1817 d. 1892

Théodore de Dartein [Dartein] b. 19 September 1799

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Théodore de Dartein


31 August 1852 birth: Ottrott (67)

marriage: Marie-Amélie Boivin [Boivin] b. 10 November 1864 d. 19 March 1886

marriage: Clémence de Tricornot [Tricornot] b. 14 March 1867 d. 30 January 1905

1886 child birth: Edouard de Dartein [Dartein] b. 1886 d. 1925

1896 child birth: Jeanne de Dartein-Tricornot [Dartein] b. 1896 d. 1985

1901 child birth: Louise de Dartein-Tricornot [Dartein] b. 1901 d. 1963

2 October 1936 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Félix Laurent
birth: 18 May 1778, Besançon (25), Sainte-Marie-Madeleine
marriage: Caroline Louise Atthalin , Colmar (68)
property: 1834, Ottrott (67), Château d'Ottrot
death: 15 September 1835, Strasbourg (67), 11, courtine des Juifs
Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin
birth: 22 June 1784, Colmar (68)
title: baron Atthalin
marriage: Thérèse Françoise Le Landais , Paris (75)
death: 3 September 1856, Colmar (68)
Caroline Louise Atthalin
birth: 3 November 1782, Colmar (68), Grande rue
marriage: Félix Laurent , Colmar (68)
death: 30 January 1819, Besançon (25)
Charles Mathieu Sylvestre de Dartein
birth: 1749
title: baron de Thanvillé
marriage: Rosalie de Salomon
death: 1814
Louis Laurent-Atthalin
birth: 24 October 1818, Besançon (25)
title: baron Laurent-Atthalin
marriage: Élisa-Virginie Rey
adoption: 1843, Par le [[Personne:1498991|général-baron Atthalin]]
death: 27 April 1893, Paris (75)
Félix de Dartein
birth: 1796
title: baron de Dartein
marriage: Emilie Hamart de Parpigne
death: 1866
Théodore de Dartein
birth: 19 September 1799, Strasbourg (67)
marriage: Cécile Laurent
marriage: Caroline Laurent
== 3 ==
Marie-Ferdinand de Dartein (dit Ferdinand)
birth: 9 February 1838, Strasbourg (67)
marriage: Pauline Michau
death: 19 February 1912, Paris (75)
Marie-Amélie Boivin
birth: 10 November 1864, Paris (75)
marriage: w Théodore de Dartein
death: 19 March 1886, Bourges (18)
Clémence de Tricornot
birth: 14 March 1867, Coincy (57), Château de Charly
marriage: w Théodore de Dartein
death: 30 January 1905, Sedan (08), en son domicile, 2 rue du Bourrclet
Théodore de Dartein
birth: 31 August 1852, Ottrott (67)
marriage: Marie-Amélie Boivin
marriage: Clémence de Tricornot
death: 2 October 1936
== 3 ==
Anne de Mitry
birth: 22 August 1889, Charleville (08)
marriage: Edouard de Dartein
marriage: Louis Marie Amand Robert de Courson de La Villeneuve
death: 18 May 1963, Paris (75)
Robert de France
birth: 30 March 1896, Noyon (60), rue Saint-Eloi
marriage: Louise de Dartein-Tricornot , Metz (57)
death: 22 January 1992, Versailles (78)
Louise de Dartein-Tricornot
birth: 1901
marriage: Robert de France , Metz (57)
death: 1963
Jacques de Bouvier
birth: 27 March 1896
title: baron de Bouvier
marriage: Jeanne de Dartein-Tricornot
death: 20 March 1948, Metz (57)

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