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Elisabeth Martin de Gibergues b. 1792 d. 1868

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Lineage Martin
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Elisabeth Martin de Gibergues

Léger Martin de Gibergues (ou Ligier) [Martin] b. 23 August 1752 d. 23 January 1843

Marie Elisabeth Gibert [Gibert] b. 10 February 1771 d. 28 August 1799


1792 birth:

1811 marriage: w Anthelme Richerand (Anthelme-Balthasar) [Richerand] b. 4 February 1779 d. 23 January 1840

16 October 1816 child birth: Paris (75), Wladimir Richerand [Richerand] b. 16 October 1816 d. 1 January 1893

1829 child birth: Sosthène Richerand [Richerand] b. 1829 d. 1915

1868 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Anne Gibergues
baptism: 17 August 1703
marriage: Jean Fabre de Saint-Mande , Vèze (15)
Madeleine Gibergues
birth: calculated 1720
marriage: Louis Martin
death: 23 June 1804, Billom (63)
Louis Martin
marriage: Madeleine Gibergues
death: 17 June 1790, Billom (63)
François Gibert
birth: 20 February 1722, Baron (60)
marriage: Marie-Elisabeth Incelin , Paris (75)
death: 4 September 1800, Paris (75)
Léger Martin de Gibergues (ou Ligier)
birth: 23 August 1752, Billom (63)
marriage: Marie Elisabeth Gibert , Paris (75)
death: 23 January 1843, Villecresnes (94)
Marie Elisabeth Gibert
birth: 10 February 1771, Paris (75)
marriage: Léger Martin de Gibergues (ou Ligier) , Paris (75)
death: 28 August 1799, Paris (75)
== 3 ==
Pierre Martin de Gibergues
birth: 12 January 1793
marriage: Marie Amélie Vignon
death: 23 January 1848
Anthelme Richerand (Anthelme-Balthasar)
birth: 4 February 1779, Belley (01)
marriage: Elisabeth Martin de Gibergues
title: 29 October 1829, baron Richerand
death: 23 January 1840, Paris (75)
== 3 ==
Marie Colombel
birth: 21 January 1839, Paris (75)
marriage: Wladimir Richerand
birth: October 1912
Sophie Rendu
birth: 1819
marriage: Wladimir Richerand , Paris (75)
death: 1863
Wladimir Richerand
birth: 16 October 1816, Paris (75)
title: baron Richerand
marriage: Sophie Rendu , Paris (75)
marriage: Marie Colombel
death: 1 January 1893, Paris (75)
Amélie Richerand
birth: 21 January 1866, Paris (75)
marriage: René de Leuze
death: June 1945
Augustin Richerand
birth: 24 November 1867
title: baron Richerand
death: 31 December 1920
Louis Richerand
birth: 22 March 1875, Paris (75)
title: baron Richerand
marriage: Jeanne Pellissier de Féligonde de Léotoing d'Anjony
death: 22 March 1934, Toulouse (31)

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