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George Creagh

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Lineage Creagh
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) George Creagh


child birth: George Creagh [Creagh]

child birth: Richard Creagh [Creagh]

child birth: Dominique Creagh [Creagh]

child birth: Catherine Creagh [Creagh]

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
William Lee (Guillaume Lée)
birth: 1621, Waterford, Irlande
occupation: Marchand
residence: Bordeaux (33)
residence: La Rochelle (17)
marriage contract: Catherine Creagh , La Rochelle (17)
naturalization: 1654
marriage: Marguerite de Coussol
death: 9 June 1677, La Rochelle (17)
Philip Skiddy
occupation: Cork, marchand de Cork
marriage: Catherine Creagh
Dominique Creagh
birth: La Rochelle (17), Negociant
Richard Creagh
occupation: La Rochelle (17), Negociant
George Creagh
occupation: capitaine dans l'infanterie française
Charlotte Reine Lée
birth: 10 December 1667, La Rochelle (17)
christening: 30 March 1670, La Rochelle (17)
marriage: Nicolas Chertemps
marriage: François Colbert
death: 20 March 1708, Décédée le 20 mars 1708 à Rochefort
André Géraldin (FitzGerald)
birth: 1631, Waterford
occupation: Nantes (44), négociant de Nantes
occupation: Marchand à la Fosse
immigration: 1653
marriage: Marie Lée
naturalization: 1672
death: 2 September 1706, Nantes (44)
Marie Lée
birth: 17 October 1646, La Rochelle (17)
marriage: André Géraldin (FitzGerald)
death: 14 December 1706, Nantes (44)
Nicolas Lée
occupation: La Rochelle (17), négociant de La Rochelle (17)

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