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Peter Kemble b. 12 December 1704 d. 23 February 1789

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Lineage Kemble
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Peter Kemble
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Peter Kemble


12 December 1704 birth: Izmir

marriage: Gertrude Bayard [Bayard] b. 1701 d. 1745

1734 child birth: New Brunswick (New Jersey), w Margaret Kemble [Kemble] b. 1734 d. 9 February 1824

23 February 1789 death: Morristown (New Jersey)

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Gertrude Bayard
birth: 1701
marriage: w Peter Kemble
death: 1745
Peter Kemble
birth: 12 December 1704, Izmir
marriage: Gertrude Bayard
death: 23 February 1789, Morristown (New Jersey)
== 1 ==
Thomas Gage
birth: 1719
marriage: w Margaret Kemble
death: 2 April 1787
Margaret Kemble
birth: 1734, New Brunswick (New Jersey)
marriage: Thomas Gage
death: 9 February 1824
Montagu Bertie
birth: 30 April 1784
title: comte d'Abingdon
marriage: Emily Gage
death: 16 October 1854

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