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Josepha Johanna Juliana Christiana von Neipperg b. 1727 d. 1758

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Lineage Neipperg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Josepha Johanna Juliana Christiana von Neipperg

Wilhelm Reinhard von Neipperg [Neipperg] b. 27 May 1684 d. 26 May 1774

Maria Franziska Theresa von Khevenhüller-Frankenburg (von Neipperg) [Khevenhüller]


1727 birth:

child birth: Claire Thérèse Antoinette d'Yve [Yve] d. 1809

marriage: Thomas François Joseph d'Yve [Yve]

1758 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ludwig Andreas Khevenhüller-Frankenburg
birth: 30 November 1683, Linz
marriage: Philippa Maria Anna Josephe von Lamberg , Wien
death: 26 January 1744, Wien
Maria Theresia Ungnad von Weißenwolff
birth: 27 November 1678
death: April 1741
Wilhelm Reinhard von Neipperg
birth: 27 May 1684
marriage: Maria Franziska Theresa von Khevenhüller-Frankenburg (von Neipperg)
title: 1726, comte
death: 26 May 1774, Vienne (Autriche), Saint empire romain sous Joseph II
== 3 ==
Maria Wilhelmina von Neipperg (von Auersperg)
birth: 30 April 1738
title: Countess
title: by princess wedding
marriage: Johann Adam Joseph von Auersperg ,
death: 21 October 1775
== 3 ==
François Antoine de Gourcy de Droitaumont
birth: 1751
title: comte de Gourcy de Droitaumont
title: seigneur de Dommartin
marriage: Claire Thérèse Antoinette d'Yve
death: 1827
Ernest André Victor de Gourcy de Droitaumont
birth: 1788
title: comte de Gourcy de Droitaumont
marriage: Elisabeth Anna Antonia von Mayr
death: 1861

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