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Auguste-Ferdinand Dapples b. 1848

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Lineage Dapples
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Auguste-Ferdinand Dapples

Elisabeth Curchod (Dapples) [Curchod] b. 1822 d. 1878

Samuel Edouard Dapples [Dapples] b. 12 December 1807 d. 30 April 1887


1848 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Louise Hilda Agnes d'Aubert
birth: 1812, Bern (Switzerland)
marriage: Samuel Edouard Dapples
death: 1837, autumn
Samuel Edouard Dapples
birth: 12 December 1807, Lausanne, Switzerland
occupation: Swiss politician
education: from 1825 - 1831, изучал теологию и философию в Университете Лозанны, однако не окончил его
education: after 1831, изучал лесоводство в Байройте
occupation: from 1833 - 1840, был окружным лесничим в Коте
marriage: Louise Hilda Agnes d'Aubert
occupation: from 1834 - 1842, избирался в городской совет Лозанны
occupation: from 1840 - 1842, был окружным лесничим в Лозанне
marriage: Elisabeth Curchod (Dapples)
occupation: from 1843 - 1848, мэр Лозанны
occupation: from 1848 - 1851, лесной инспектор
occupation: from 1848 - 1857, избирался в городской совет Лозанны
occupation: from 1851 - 1854, member of the Swiss National Council
occupation: from 1857 - 1867, мэр Лозанны
occupation: from 1857 - 1866, member of the Swiss National Council
occupation: 1860, presided the Swiss National Council
occupation: 1860, был направлен чрезвычайным послом в Берлин и Санкт-Петербург
occupation: to 1868, избран в Большой совет Во (кантональный парламент)
death: 30 April 1887, Nice, France
== 3 ==
Ernest Dapples
birth: 1 January 1836, Rolle (Vaud)
death: 23 October 1895, Berne
Blanche Dapples (Chavannes)
birth: 1841, Lausanne, canton de Vaud, Confédération des XXII cantons
marriage: Emile Chavannes
death: 1865
== 3 ==

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