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Каноко Бесленеевский d. about 1571

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Lineage Кануковы
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Каноко Бесленеевский

Беслан Иналов [Иналиды]


child birth: Машук (Иван) Кануков (Ахамшуков-Черкасский) [Кануковы] d. about 1560

title: князь

title: пщы (адыг.)

marriage: Назан Бегум Гирей (Уннамезова) [Гиреи]

about 1500 child birth: Mahidevran [Kabarday] b. about 1500 d. 3 February 1581

about 1571 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Инал Светлый
title: Владетельный князь Черкессии (Пщышхуэ)
title: between 1427 and 1453, Князь-валий Кабарды
death: about 1453
Табулда Иналов
title: Князь-валий Кабарды
title: Къэбэрдейм и пщыщхъуэ
Кырклыш Иналов
title: князь
title: пщы (адыг.)
Беслан Иналов
title: Бесленейем и пщыщхъуэ
title: Верховый князь Бесленея
== 3 ==
Шолох Бесленеевский
title: князь
title: пщы (адыг.)
== 3 ==
Темрюк Идаров (Черкасский)
title: старший князь Кабарды
title: Къэбэрдейм и пщыщхъуэ (адыг.)
death: 1571
Бита Идаров
title: князь
title: пщы (адыг.)
Suleiman I
birth: 6 November 1494, Trabzon, Ottoman Empire
marriage: Haseki Hürrem Sultan
marriage: about 1510, Manisa, Saruhan Sanjak, Anatolia Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
marriage: Gülfem Hatun
marriage: Anastasia Gavrilova Lisovska (Haseki Hürrem Sultan) , Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
title: from 22 September 1520 - 5 September 1566, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
title: from 22 September 1520 - 5 September 1566, Caliph of Islam
death: 6 September 1566, Szigetvár, Kingdom of Hungary
birth: about 1500
title: пщыпхъу (адыг.)
title: княжна
death: 3 February 1581
Машук (Иван) Кануков (Ахамшуков-Черкасский)
title: князь
title: пщы (адыг.)
death: about 1560
Şehzade Mehmed
birth: 1521, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
death: 1543, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
Farid Osman
death: 1561
Selim II
birth: 28 May 1524, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
marriage: Rachael (Roxelana) Nasi (Nurbanu Sultan) , Konya, Ottoman Empire
title: from 7 September 1566 - 12 December 1574, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
title: from 7 September 1566 - 12 December 1574, Caliph of Islam
death: 13 December 1574, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
Mihrimah Sultan
birth: 21 March 1522, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
marriage: Damad Rüstem Paşa , Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
death: 25 January 1578, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
Şehzade Bayezid
birth: 1525, Istanbul, Ottoman Empire
death: 25 September 1561, Persia
Şehzade Mustafa
birth: 1515, Manisa, Saruhan Sanjak, Anatolia Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
marriage: Ayşe Hatun
marriage: Rumeysa Sultan
death: 6 October 1553, Konya, Ottoman Empire, Konya Sanjak, Karaman Eyalet
Пётр Иванович Ахамашуков-Черкасский
title: князь
title: пщы (адыг.)
death: 1615

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