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Romulus Augustulus (Tatulus) b. 461

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Lineage Tatuli
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Romulus Augustulus
Other last names Tatulus
Other given names Flavius Momyllus Romulus Augustus

Flavius Orestes Tatulus [Tatuli] d. 28 August 476

Varvara Agia (Romari) [Romulus]

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Romulus Augustulus


461 birth:

child birth: Barbara Tatuli (Augusta) [Tatuli]

child birth: Romulus (Romaich) Tatilus [Tatuli]

between 31 October 475 and 4 September 476 title: Emperor of Rome


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

It is confirmed by several sources and histories that after Romulus Augustus was banished, Odacer granted him an annual pension of six thousand solidi (a senator's annual income), and he retired to Campania, Italy, where he took up residence in the Lucullan Villa, an ancient castle and estate. It is unknown what happened to him afterwards, or the date of his death.

Welsh histories name Augustulus as a brother of Lotharius of Lothian and a foster son to Urien. It is suggested that Romulus was perhaps removed from Rome to the British Isles to be with people who were sympathetic to his cause. And that this Augustulus was perhaps the young emperor. It would have put his presence in England at the time of the Legendary Arthur.

If this is true it would appear that the legends Modron the daughter Apfallon (the Washerwoman of Llanfair) would have actually been an allegorical rendering of the historical tale of the fostering of young Augustulus.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Flavius Orestes Tatulus
birth: Pannonia Savia
death: 28 August 476
Varvara Agia (Romari)
birth: Attica (Greece)
== 3 ==
Morfydd Verch Urien
birth: Llanfaire, Barking Ford, Denbighshire, Wales
Romulus Augustulus (Tatulus)
birth: 461
title: between 31 October 475 and 4 September 476, Emperor of Rome
== 3 ==

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