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Kaleb Michael Federline b. 20 July 2004

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Lineage Federline
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Kaleb Michael Federline

Kevin Earl Federline [Federline] b. 21 March 1978

Sharisse Jackson [Jackson] b. 4 September 1976


20 July 2004 birth: Orange County (California), United States

From grandparents to grandchildren

Michael J. Federline
birth: May 1955
Victoria Prince
birth: 2 December 1982, Kennewick (Washington), USA
other: Kevin Earl Federline , unmarried relationship
Sharisse Jackson
birth: 4 September 1976, Boston (Massachusetts), United States
occupation: actress
other: Kevin Earl Federline , unmarried relationship
== 3 ==
Sean Preston Federline
birth: 14 September 2005, Santa Monica (California), United States
Jayden James Federline
birth: 12 September 2006, Los Angeles, California, United States
Donovan Jackson
birth: January 1993
Cassilay Monique Jackson
birth: September 1995
Kori Madison Federline
birth: 27 July 2002, Orange County (California), United States
Jordan Kay Federline
birth: 15 August 2011
Kaleb Michael Federline
birth: 20 July 2004, Orange County (California), United States
== 3 ==

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