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Eberhard V van Nellenburg b. estimated 980 d. between 1034 and 1035

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Lineage Eberhardijnen
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Eberhard V van Nellenburg

Manegold van Zürichgau [Eberhardijnen] b. estimated 945 d. 1 May 991


estimated 980 birth:

child birth: Hedwig van Nellenburg [Eberhardijnen]

marriage: Hedwig [?] b. estimated 990 d. after 1035

estimated 1010 child birth: Liutgard van Nellenburg [Eberhardijnen] b. estimated 1010

estimated 1015 child birth: w Eberhard VI van Nellenburg [Eberhardijnen] b. estimated 1015 d. 26 March 1078

between 1034 and 1035 death:

burial: Laurentiuskapel te Reichenau


Graaf van Nellenburg en de Zürichgau. Voogd van Einsiedeln, dit voogdijschap werd hem ontnomen nadat hij in 1029 het klooster had overvallen in en had afgebrand.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Эберхард III Цюрихский Нелленбург
birth: estimated 910, Цюрихское графство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
Manegold van Zürichgau
birth: estimated 945
death: 1 May 991
burial: dom, Quedlinburg
== 3 ==
birth: estimated 990
marriage: Eberhard V van Nellenburg
death: after 1035
Eberhard V van Nellenburg
birth: estimated 980
marriage: Hedwig
death: between 1034 and 1035
burial: Laurentiuskapel te Reichenau
== 3 ==
Ita van Altdorf
birth: estimated 1025
marriage: w Eberhard VI van Nellenburg
death: about 1105, datum is 2 maart
Eberhard VI van Nellenburg
birth: estimated 1015
marriage: Ita van Altdorf
death: 26 March 1078, Schaffhausen
Eberhard I van Sponheim
birth: 985
death: 1065
Berthold van de Breisgau
birth: estimated 980
death: about 1024, datum: 15 juli
Liutgard van Nellenburg
birth: estimated 1010
Nn van Nellenburg
birth: 1050
death: 1100
Stephan I van Sponheim
birth: 1022
death: 1075
birth: estimated 1030
marriage: Berthold I van Karinthië
death: about 1055
Berthold I van Karinthië
birth: about 1000
marriage: Richwara
death: 6 November 1078, kasteel Limburg bij Weilheim an der Teck
burial: klooster Hirsau

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