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Харальд Сигурдссон

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Lineage Хорфагеры
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Харальд Сигурдссон

Sigurd Haraldsson [Fairhair] b. 1133 d. 10 June 1155

From grandparents to grandchildren

Harald IV Gillachrist
birth: 1102, Hebrides, Scotland
death: 14 December 1136, Norway
Harald IV Gillachrist (Magnusson)
birth: 1094, Ireland
title: from 1130 - 1136, король Норвегии
death: 14 December 1136, Bergen, Bergen, Norway
sealing spouse lds: Thora Guttormsdatter , SLAKE
Thora Guttormsdatter
birth: 1108, Oppland, Norway
baptism lds: 10 November 1953
endownment lds: 10 March 1955, SLAKE
sealing spouse lds: Harald IV Gillachrist (Magnusson) , SLAKE
Brigida Haraldsdotter
birth: about 1131
death: about 1208
birth: 1132, Norway
marriage: Sigurd Haraldsson
baptism lds: 16 December 1935
endownment lds: 13 May 1936, LOGAN
sealing spouse lds: Sigurd Haraldsson
Sigurd Haraldsson
birth: 1133, Norway
marriage: Gunhild
title: from 1136 - 1155, король Норвегии
death: 10 June 1155, Bergen, Bergen, Norway
sealing spouse lds: Gunhild
== 3 ==
Sverre Sigurdsson
birth: 1151, Norway
marriage: Astrid Roesdatter
title: from 1184 - 1202, король Норвегии
death: 9 March 1202, Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Кристина Сигурдсдаттер
title: принцесса норвежская
Хакон II Сигурдсон Широкоплечий
title: from 1157 - 1162, король Норвегии
Сигурд Сигурдссон "Воспитанник Маркуса"
birth: 1155
physical description: from 1162 - 1163, претендент на норвежский королевский престол
death: 29 September 1163
== 3 ==

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