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Jules Arnous de Riviere b. 4 May 1830 d. 11 September 1905

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Lineage Riviere
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Jules Arnous de Riviere
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Jules Arnous de Rivière


4 May 1830 birth: Nantes, France

occupation: French chess player

physical description: the strongest French chess player from the late 1850s to the late 1870s

27 October 1858 engagement: Josephine de Coulhac Mazérieux (de Riviere) [Mazérieux] b. 1834 d. 1921

1862 child birth: Helen Arnus de Riviere (von Pfeffel) [Riviere] b. 1862 d. 1951

11 September 1905 death: Paris, France

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Jules Arnous de Riviere
birth: 4 May 1830, Nantes, France
occupation: French chess player
physical description: the strongest French chess player from the late 1850s to the late 1870s
engagement: Josephine de Coulhac Mazérieux (de Riviere)
death: 11 September 1905, Paris, France
== 1 ==
Stanley Fred Williams
birth: 1880
residence: Бромли, Кент
marriage: Marie Louise von Pfeffel
death: 1955
Marie Louise von Pfeffel
birth: 1882
title: baroness
physical description: great-grandmother of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson
marriage: Stanley Fred Williams
death: 1944

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