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Dag Ringsson (Mikilati)

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Lineage Mikilati
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Dag Ringsson
Other last names Mikilati


child birth: Ashild Ringsdotter [Mikilati]

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Harald Fairhair (Finehair)
birth: estimated 845, Norway
marriage: Ragnhild Eriksdotter
title: from 872 - 931, King of Norway
death: about 933, Rogaland, Norway
burial: 933, Haugesund, Norway
Eric Bloodaxe
birth: about 895
marriage: Gunhilde de Danemark
title: from 930 - 934, King of Norway
title: from 948 - 949, King of Northumbria
title: from 952 - 954, King of Northumbria
death: 954
Haakon Haraldsson (The Good)
birth: about 920, Hordaland, Norway, Håkonshella
title: from 934 - 961, King of Norway
death: 961, Håkonshella, Hordaland, Norway
Bjorn Farman Haroldsson
birth: estimated 880, Norway
death: about 927, Norway, Сэхейм,_Norway
burial: Tønsberg

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