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Walther Rathenau b. 29 September 1867 d. 24 June 1922

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Lineage Rathenau
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Walther Rathenau

w Emil Moritz Rathenau [Rathenau] b. 11 December 1838 d. 20 June 1915

Матильда Нахман (Ратенау) [Нахмани] b. 1845 d. 1926

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Walther Rathenau


29 September 1867 birth: Berlin, Norddeutscher Bund

24 June 1922 death: Berlin-Grunewald, Deutsches Reich

From grandparents to grandchildren

Emil Moritz Rathenau
birth: 11 December 1838, Berlin, Königreich Preußen
marriage: Матильда Нахман (Ратенау)
death: 20 June 1915, Berlin, Deutsches Kaiserreich
Матильда Нахман (Ратенау)
birth: 1845, Німецьке царство
marriage: Emil Moritz Rathenau
death: 1926, Німецька республіка
== 3 ==
Эрих Ратенау
birth: 1871
death: 1903
Эдит Ратенау
birth: 1883, Deutsches Kaiserreich
death: 1952
Walther Rathenau
birth: 29 September 1867, Berlin, Norddeutscher Bund
death: 24 June 1922, Berlin-Grunewald, Deutsches Reich
== 3 ==

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