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Marie Sophie Brag b. 1771 d. 30 August 1850

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Lineage Brag
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Marie Sophie Brag


1771 birth: Notmark Sogn

marriage: Conrad Georg af Reventlow [Reventlow] b. 6 July 1749 d. 9 April 1815

15 July 1803 child birth: Schloss Sandbjerg, Christian Detlev af Reventlow [Reventlow] b. 15 July 1803 d. 19 July 1848

30 August 1850 death: Bredsten Sogn

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Conrad Georg af Reventlow
birth: 6 July 1749, Kopenhagen
marriage: Marie Sophie Brag
death: 9 April 1815, Schloss Sandbjerg
Marie Sophie Brag
birth: 1771, Notmark Sogn
marriage: Conrad Georg af Reventlow
death: 30 August 1850, Bredsten Sogn
== 1 ==
Kirstine Sørensen
birth: 5 February 1803, Gedved Kommune, Gangsted Sogn
marriage: Christian Detlev af Reventlow
death: 1860
Christian Detlev af Reventlow
birth: 15 July 1803, Schloss Sandbjerg
marriage: Kirstine Sørensen
death: 19 July 1848
Helanius Conrad Reventlow
birth: 17 February 1841, Horsens Kommune, Østbirk sogn
marriage: Ane Marie Rasmussen
death: 8 January 1897, Grenaa, Dänemark

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