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Frances Helen Sweeny (Duchess of Rutland) b. 1937 d. 1999

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Lineage Sweeny
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Frances Helen Sweeny
Other last names Duchess of Rutland
Other given names Frances Helen Manners, Dowager Duchess of Rutland
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Frances Manners, Duchess of Rutland


1937 birth: Marylebone, London

15 May 1958 marriage: Charles Manners (10th Duke of Rutland) [Manners] b. 28 May 1919 d. 4 January 1999

8 May 1959 child birth: David Manners (11. Duke of Rutland) [Manners] b. 8 May 1959

1999 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Emma Watkins
birth: 2 September 1963, Cardiff, Wales
marriage: David Manners (11. Duke of Rutland) , Belvoir Castle

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