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Cadfan ap Iago ? (Dindaethwy) b. 580 d. 625

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Lineage Cunedda
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Cadfan ap Iago ?
Other last names Dindaethwy
Other given names Catman (Harleian)

w Iago ap Beli [Cunedda] b. 560

Wiki-page wikipedia:Cadfan ap Iago


580 birth:

590 child birth: Cadwallon (Coenwahl) ap Cadfan (Faiborn) [Cunedda] b. 590 d. 634

from 616 - 625 title: Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd

625 death:

burial: Llangadwaladr Church Anglesey England


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

[edit] Sources

  1. Harleian genealogies — Part: Gwynedd — on this page -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Beli ap Rhun ? (Beli map Run)
birth: 517
title: from 580 - 599, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
death: 599
Iago ap Beli
birth: 560
title: from 599 - 613, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
birth: 613
== 3 ==
Cadfan ap Iago ? (Dindaethwy)
birth: 580
title: from 616 - 625, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
death: 625
burial: Llangadwaladr Church Anglesey England
== 3 ==
Cadwallon (Coenwahl) ap Cadfan (Faiborn)
birth: 590
title: King of the Britons
title: from 625 - 634, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
death: 634, Hexham, Battle of Heavenfield, near Hexham
(Saint) Cadwaladr (Catuvelladurus) Fendigaid (ap Cadwallon)
birth: 633
title: 654, King of the Britons
title: from 655 - 682, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
death: 12 May 688

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