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Alexandre Sébastien Gérard b. 1779 d. 1853

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Lineage Gérard
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alexandre Sébastien Gérard
Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Alexandre_Sébastien_Gérard_(1779-1853)


1779 birth:

1817 child birth: w Alexandre Léon Sébastien Gérard [Gérard] b. 1817 d. 1896

21 April 1819 child birth: Alexandre Gérard [Gérard] b. 21 April 1819 d. 1899

1853 death:


не путать с Alexandre Sébastien Gérard (Gérard, b. 13 April 1780 d. 28 October 1832)

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From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Alexandre Sébastien Gérard
birth: 1779
death: 1853
== 1 ==
Valentine Foy
birth: 11 February 1834, Paris (75)
marriage: Alexandre Gérard
death: 21 September 1906, Aillières-Beauvoir (72)
Alexandre Gérard
birth: 21 April 1819
occupation: from 1850 - 1852, Président de Saint Gobain
marriage: Valentine Foy
occupation: from 1879 - 1889, administrateur de la Générale des Eaux
death: 1899
Fernand Caillard d'Aillières
birth: 31 January 1849, Paris (75)
marriage: Louise-Marie Gérard , Paris (75)
caste: from 12 February 1882 - 2 February 1897, député de La Sarthe
death: 2 February 1897, Aillières (72)
Louise-Marie Gérard
birth: 10 August 1856, Paris (75)
marriage: Fernand Caillard d'Aillières , Paris (75)
birth: 26 January 1933, Aillières (72)
Alexandre Gérard
birth: 1859
death: 22 February 1879, Paris (75)
Madeleine Boivin
birth: about 8 March 1865, Paris (75)
marriage: Alphonse Gérard
death: 24 November 1944, Fontaine-les-Coteaux (41)
Alphonse Gérard
birth: 21 April 1861, Paris (75)
occupation: Ingénieur des Mines
property: Fontaine-les-Coteaux (41), Château de la Fosse
graduation: 1879, X-Mines (горный инженер)
occupation: 1889, Administrateur de la Générale des Eaux
marriage: Madeleine Boivin
occupation: from 1917 - 1931, Président de Saint-Gobain (по (президент Saint-Gobain)
occupation: from 1920 - 1945, Présidents Compagnie générale des eaux (по (президент Générale des Eaux)
death: 1945

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