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Paulette Maria Demante b. 18 February 1915

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Lineage Demante
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Paulette Maria Demante

Paul Michel Demante [Demante] b. 16 July 1886

Elise Marie Armande Gervais [Gervais]


18 February 1915 birth: Vernon (27), Route de Gisors

22 September 1936 child birth: Paris (75), Lisette Zahirat Romdane [Haj Romdhane] b. 22 September 1936

13 July 1937 marriage: Vincennes (94), Hédi Haj Romdhane [Haj Romdhane] b. 12 July 1910 d. 12 July 2001

From grandparents to grandchildren

Paul Michel Demante
birth: 16 July 1886, Sainte-Geneviève-lès-Gasny (27), à 21:00
occupation: Maçon
marriage: Elise Marie Armande Gervais , Méricourt (78)
Elise Marie Armande Gervais
occupation: Institutrice
marriage: Paul Michel Demante , Méricourt (78)
== 3 ==
Hédi Haj Romdhane
birth: 12 July 1910, Mahdia, Tunisie, Tabak-Elkalb
marriage: Paulette Maria Demante , Vincennes (94)
death: 12 July 2001, Tunis, Tunisie
Paulette Maria Demante
birth: 18 February 1915, Vernon (27), Route de Gisors
marriage: Hédi Haj Romdhane , Vincennes (94)
== 3 ==
Moncef Haj Romdhane
birth: 13 August 1929, Mahdia, Rimal
marriage: Lisette Zahirat Romdane , Mahdia, Tunisie, Municipalité
death: January 1991, Tunis
Lisette Zahirat Romdane
birth: 22 September 1936, Paris (75)
marriage: Moncef Haj Romdhane , Mahdia, Tunisie, Municipalité
Asma Enneifer
birth: 9 January 1968, El Menzah
marriage: Ghazi Haj Romdhane , La Marsa, Tunisie
Ghazi Haj Romdhane
birth: 9 November 1963, Tunis, Tunisie
marriage: Asma Enneifer , La Marsa, Tunisie
Fatma Haj Romdhane
birth: 11 November 1966, Tunis, Tunisie
Karima Haj Romdhane
birth: 7 May 1975, Tunis, Tunisie
Mehdi Haj Romdhane
birth: 27 March 1979, Tunis, Tunisie

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