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Acha (Asha) of Diera (Aellasdocht)

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Lineage Westerfald
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Acha (Asha) of Diera
Other last names Aellasdocht

Aella Bernicia [Westerfald] d. 588


child birth: Eufrith (Eanfrith) ? (of Bernicia) [Bernicia]

marriage: Aethelfrith Atheling [Hwiccan] d. about 616

about 605 child birth: Oswald ? [?] b. about 605 d. 5 August 642

about 612 child birth: Oswy Aethelfrithson [Hwiccan] b. about 612 d. 15 February 670

From grandparents to grandchildren

Aella Bernicia
death: 588
== 3 ==
Edwin Deira
birth: 586
baptism: 627
death: 12 October 633, Batle of Hatfield Chase
Aethelfrith Atheling
military service: defeated Aedan MacGabrain at Battle of Degsastan
marriage: Acha (Asha) of Diera (Aellasdocht)
marriage: Bebba ? (Din Gaire)
title: from 593 - 616, King of Bernicia
military service: 600, Battle of Catraeth
title: from 604 - 616, King of Diera
death: about 616
== 3 ==
birth: 19 April 626
Oswy Aethelfrithson
birth: about 612
title: from 642 - 15 February 670, King of Bernicia
death: 15 February 670
Eufrith (Eanfrith) ? (of Bernicia)
title: between 590 and 634, King of Bernicia
Oswald ?
birth: about 605
title: from 634 - 5 August 642, King of Northumbria
death: 5 August 642
Aldfrith (Ecgfrid) Halveire (Ui Niall)
title: from 686 - 14 December 705, Нортумбрия, Британия, король Нортумбрии
death: 14 December 705
Aetheltryth Annasdotter
birth: 636, Exning, near Newmarket in Suffolk
occupation: Abbess of Ely
marriage: Tondberct Gyrvin
marriage: Cuthred Oswiuson
death: 23 June 679
Cuthred Oswiuson
birth: 645
marriage: Aetheltryth Annasdotter
death: 20 May 685, Nechtansmere near Dunnichen
Cynewulf of Wessex
title: from 757 - 786, King of Wessex
death: 786
title: from 651 - 655, Король Нортумбрии
death: about 655
birth: about 645
title: from 5 February 670 - 20 May 685, Король Нортумбрии
death: 20 May 685, Погиб в битве между крепостью Дун Нехтан (ныне маленькая деревня Дуннихенмосс в Форфершире) и болотами Нехтансмере
Talorgan I ? (macEnfret)
title: between 653 and 657, Regium Picti
death: 657

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