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Anna Oldenburg von Dänemark b. about 1527 d. 4 June 1535

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Lineage Oldenburg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anna Oldenburg von Dänemark

Frederick I of Denmark [Oldenburg] b. 7 October 1471 d. 10 April 1533

Sophia ? (Greif von Pommern) [Gryfici] b. 1498 d. 13 May 1568

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Friedrich I. (Dänemark und Norwegen)


about 1527 birth:

4 June 1535 death:


From grandparents to grandchildren

Moritz V. Oldenburg von Delmenhorst
birth: 1428
title: Graf von Delmenhorst
death: 1464
Gerhard VI von Oldenburg and Delmenhorst
birth: 1430
title: from 1440 - 1463, Graf von Delmenhorst
title: from 1450 - 1500, Graf von Oldenburg (-1500)
marriage: Adelheid von Tecklenburg
death: 22 February 1500, Pyrenees (according to Wikipedia.en) or Rhône valley (according to
Christian I of Denmark
birth: February 1426
title: from 14 February 1440 - 1449, Earl of Oldenburg
title: from 1448 - 1481, king of Denmark
marriage: Dorothea of Brandenburg
title: from 1450 - 1481, King of Norway
title: from 21 May 1457 - 1464, King of Sweden
title: 1460, Count Schleswig
title: 1460, Count Holstein
death: 21 May 1481, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Barbara Hohenzollern (von Brandenburg-Kulmbach)
birth: 30 September 1422
title: princesse de la maison de Hohenzollern par naissance
children count: 11
marriage: Lodovico III Gonzaga (The Turk) , Mantua (Italy)
title: 23 September 1444, durch Heirat Markgräfin von Mantua
death: 7 November 1481, Mantua (Italy)
burial: Mantoue, cathédrale San Pietro
Rudolf de Brandebourg-Kulmbach
birth: 1424
death: 1424
Christoph III von Pfalz-Neumarkt
birth: 26 February 1416, Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
title: from 9 April 1440 - 5 January 1448, König von Dänemark
title: from September 1441 - 5 January 1448, Uppsala, Krönung zum König von Schweden
title: from July 1442 - 5 January 1448, König von Norwegen
marriage: Dorothea of Brandenburg
death: 5 January 1448, Festung Käman, Helsingborg, Schweden
Dorothea of Brandenburg
birth: 1430
title: from 1445 - 1448, reine consort de Danemark
marriage: Christoph III von Pfalz-Neumarkt
marriage: Christian I of Denmark
title: from 28 October 1449 - 1481, reine consort de Danemark
title: from 1450 - 1481, Queen Consort of Norway
title: from 1457 - 1464, Queen Consort of Denmark
title: 1459, Queen Consort of Sweden
title: 1459, comtesse de Holstein
death: 25 November 1495
Sophia de Poméranie-Wolgast
marriage: Magnus II von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
title: 29 May 1478, Duchesse de Mecklembourg-Schwerin
title: 1483, Duchesse de Mecklembourg
death: 26 April 1504, Wismar
Маргарита Померанская
marriage: Balthasar von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
title: 1487, Duchesse de Mecklembourg
death: 27 March 1526
Екатерина Померанская
birth: about 1465
title: August 1486, Princesse de Brunswick
marriage: w Heinrich de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (Heinrich Ier)
title: 1491, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Princesse de Wolfenbüttel
death: 1526
Boguslaw X von Pommern
birth: 3 June 1454, Darłowo, Polen
title: from 1471 - 1523, Herzog von Pommern (alleiniger seit 1478)
marriage: Margarethe von Brandenburg
divorce: Margarethe von Brandenburg
marriage: Анна Ягеллонка , Szczecin, Poland
death: 5 October 1523, Stettin, Polen
Jadwiga Jagiellonka
birth: 21 September 1457
marriage: Georg de Bavière , Landshut
marriage: Georg de Bavière , Landshut, Allemagne
title: 14 November 1475, Landshut, Prinzessin von Bayern
title: 18 January 1479, Landshut, Herzogin von Bayern-Landshut
death: 18 February 1502, Burghausen (Altötting)
Władysław II (Ladislaus) Jagiellończyk
birth: 1 March 1456, Kraków (Poland)
title: from 22 August 1471 - 13 March 1516, King of Bohemia
marriage: w Barbara Hohenzollern von Brandenburg , Frankfurt (Oder)
title: from 18 September 1490 - 13 March 1516, King of Hungary
marriage: w Beatrice Napoli , Esztergom
annulment: w Beatrice Napoli , Rome
marriage: Anna de Foix-Candale
death: 13 March 1516, Buda, Hungary
burial: Székesfehérvár, Hungary, (deutsch: Stuhlweißenburg)
Sofía Jagiellon
birth: 6 May 1464, Kraków (Poland)
marriage: Friedrich II von Brandenburg-Ansbach , Frankfurt
title: 14 February 1479, Princess of Poland
title: 11 March 1486, Princess of Lithuania
title: 26 February 1495, Marchioness of Brandenburg Ansbach and Bayreuth
death: 5 October 1512, Ansbach, Bavaria
Sigismund I Jagiellon
birth: 1 January 1467, Kozienice, Poland
title: from 20 October 1506 - 1 April 1548, Grand Duke of Lithuania
title: from 8 December 1506 - 1 April 1548, King of Poland
marriage: Barbara Zápolya
marriage: Бона Сфорца
death: 1 April 1548, Kraków (Poland)
burial: 26 July 1548, Kraków (Poland), Wawel Cathedral
Barbara Jagiellona von Polen
birth: 15 July 1478, Sandomierz, Poland
title: Prinzessin von Polen
marriage: Georg Wettin von Sachsen , Leipzig
title: 21 November 1496, durch Heirat Herzogin von Sachsen
death: 15 February 1534, Leipzig
burial: after 15 February 1534, Meissen, Begräbniskapelle im Meißner Dom, als letztes wettinisches Fürstenpaar mit ihrem Mann hier bestattet
Олександр Ягеллон
birth: 5 August 1461, Литовське велике князівство
title: from 7 June 1492 - 19 August 1506, Литовське велике князівство, литовський великий князь
marriage: Олена Іванівна Московська (Литовська) , Вільно, Литовське велике князівство
title: from 17 June 1501 - 19 August 1506, Польське королівство, польський король
death: 19 August 1506, Польське королівство
Elisabeth III Jagiellonica
birth: 13 November 1482, Litauen
title: Принцесса Польская и Литовская
title: from 25 November 1515 - 16 February 1517, Герцогиня Легница
marriage: w Friedrich II von Liegnitz und Brieg , Вроцлав .
death: 16 February 1517, Легница
Анна Ягеллонка
birth: 12 March 1476, Нешава, Князівство Польське
title: from 12 March 1476 - 2 February 1491, Князівство Польське, Княжна Польська
marriage: Boguslaw X von Pommern , Szczecin, Poland
title: from 2 February 1491 - 12 August 1503, Князівство Поморське, Княжна Поморська
death: 12 August 1503, Иккермюнде, Передняя Померания, Священне Царство Римське
burial: Обитель Ельдена, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Священне Царство Римське, Kloster Eldena (Greifswald)
Margarethe of Denmark
birth: 23 June 1456
title: 10 July 1469, Holyrood, reine d'Écosse
marriage: James III , Holyrood
death: 14 July 1486
Hans of Denmark
birth: 2 February 1455
marriage: Christina of Saxony , Copenhagen
title: 21 May 1481, King of Denmark
title: 20 July 1483, King of Norway
title: 6 October 1497, King of Sweden
death: 20 February 1513
Olaf Oldenburg von Dänemark
birth: 29 September 1450
death: 1451
Knut de Danemark
birth: 1451
death: 1455
Anna Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 27 August 1487, Berlin
title: 10 April 1502, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: Frederick I of Denmark , Copenhagen
death: 3 May 1514, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein
Frederick I of Denmark
birth: 7 October 1471
marriage: Anna Hohenzollern von Brandenburg , Copenhagen
marriage: Sophia ? (Greif von Pommern) , Kiel
title: 20 January 1523, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein
title: 20 January 1523, king of norway
death: 10 April 1533
Georg I von Pommern
birth: 11 April 1493
title: from 1523 - 1531, Herzog von Pommern
marriage: Маргарита Гогенцоллерн
death: 9 May 1531, Stettin, Pommern
Barnim X von Pommern-Stettin
birth: 2 December 1501
title: from 1523 - 1569, Herzog von Pommern
marriage: w Anna von Braunschweig-Lüneburg , Szczecin
death: 2 November 1573, Stettin
Sophia ? (Greif von Pommern)
birth: 1498, Szczecin
marriage: Frederick I of Denmark , Kiel
title: from 20 January 1523 - 1533, Herzogin von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf
death: 13 May 1568, Schleswig
== 3 ==
Christian III of Denmark
birth: 12 August 1503, Schleswig, Gottorf Castle
title: 20 January 1523, Duke of Schleswig
title: 20 January 1523, Duke of Holstein
marriage: Dorothea of Saxe-Lauenburg , Lauenburg (Elbe)
title: 4 July 1534, Schleswig, King of Denmark
title: 4 July 1534, Schleswig, King of Norway
death: 1 January 1559, Koldinghus, Kolding
Dorothee de Danemark
birth: 1 August 1504, Copenhague
marriage: Albert of Prussia , Kaliningrad, Then called : Königsberg
title: 1 July 1526, Königsberg, Duchesse de Prusse
title: 4 April 1536, Ansbach, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 11 April 1547, Königsberg
Adolf I. Oldenburg von Holstein-Gottorf
birth: 25 January 1526, Flensburg, Denmark, Duburg
title: 1533, 1. Herzog von Holstein-Gottorf (Begründer der Oldenburger Linie von Holstein-Gottorf; dän. Hertug af Sønderjulland, Gottorp)
marriage: Christine Hesse-Kassel
death: 1 October 1586, Schleswig (Schleswig-Holstein), Denmark, Schloß Gottorf
Johann de Danemark
birth: 28 June 1521, Haderslev
death: 2 October 1580, Haderslev
Elisabeth de Danemark
birth: 14 October 1524, Haderslev
title: 1543, Kiel, Princesse de Mecklembourg
marriage: Magnus de Mecklembourg-Schwerin , Kiel
title: 16 February 1556, Copenhague, Duchesse de Mecklembourg-Güstrow
marriage: Ulrik de Mecklembourg-Güstrow (Ulrik III) , Copenhague
death: 15 October 1586, Schwerin
Dorothea de Danemark
birth: 1528
marriage: w Christoph de Mecklembourg-Güstrow , Kolding
title: 27 October 1573, Kolding, Duchesse de Mecklembourg
death: 11 November 1575, Schönberg (Mecklembourg)
Frederik de Danemark
birth: 13 April 1532, Haderslev
death: 27 October 1556, Kiel
Anna Oldenburg von Dänemark
birth: about 1527
death: 4 June 1535
== 3 ==

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