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Arbia Essahlia

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Lineage Essahlia
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Arbia Essahlia


children count: Sans descendants

marriage: Hattab Berrim [Berrim] b. 1897 d. 19 March 1976

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Hattab Berrim
birth: 1897
caste: Fouchana, Agriculteur et grand propriétaire terrien à Chebedda
residence: Fouchana, Dar BERRIM (ferme) à Chebedda
residence: Médina de Tunis, Deuxième demeure à El Hadhra,Rue Sidi Boumendil
marriage: Cherifa Cherif
marriage: Hadda Hafiania
marriage: Fatma Ben Mahmoud
marriage: Arbia Essahlia
marriage: Salha Bellahmer
death: 19 March 1976
burial: Fouchana, Torbet BERRIM au cimetière de CHEBEDDA
Arbia Essahlia
children count: Sans descendants
marriage: Hattab Berrim
== 1 ==

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