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Johanna Isabeau van Vierson & Berry b. 1247 d. 22 April 1296

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Lineage Vierson
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Johanna Isabeau van Vierson & Berry

Hervé IV de Vierzon [Vierzon] d. 1270

Jeanne de Brienne (van Mèzieres) [Brienne] b. 1225 d. 1298

Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I14456@::Kjansen


1247 birth:

child birth: Blanche de Brabant [Brabant] d. 1329

1273 child birth: Alix de Brabant [Brabant] b. 1273 d. 1315

between 1280 and 1285 child birth: Elisabeth van Brabant - Aarschot [Brabant] b. between 1280 and 1285 d. between 1349 and 1355

1280 marriage: Godefroy d'Aerschot (de Brabant) [Brabant] b. 1255 d. 11 July 1302

22 April 1296 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Guillaume II de Vierzon
birth: about 1215
title: seigneur de Vierzon
marriage: Blanche de Joigny
death: 1252, Palestine
Blanche de Joigny
birth: about 1215
title: dame de Cézy
marriage: Guillaume II de Vierzon
death: after 1252
Hervé IV de Vierzon
death: 1270, Tunisia
Jeanne de Brienne (van Mèzieres)
birth: 1225
death: 1298
== 3 ==
Godefroy d'Aerschot (de Brabant)
birth: 1255
title: 1277, Seigneur de Vierzon
marriage: Johanna Isabeau van Vierson & Berry
title: 1284, Seigneur d'Aerschot
death: 11 July 1302, Kortrijk
== 3 ==
Elisabeth van Brabant - Aarschot
birth: between 1280 and 1285
marriage: Gerhard V von Jülich
death: between 1349 and 1355
Jean III d'Harcourt
birth: 1271
title: Lord of Harcourt
title: Viscount of Sainte Sauveur
title: Viscount of Chatellerault
title: Elbeuf (76), baron d'Elbeuf
title: La Saussaye (27), seigneur de la Saussaye
title: Brionne (27), seigneur de Brionne
title: Lillebonne (76), seigneur de Lillebonne
marriage: Alix de Brabant
death: 9 November 1329
Alix de Brabant
birth: 1273
title: Lady of Mézières-en-Brenne
title: Lady of Arschot
title: Lady of Vertbois
title: Lady of Walbec
marriage: Jean III d'Harcourt
death: 1315
Jean Berthout
marriage: Blanche de Brabant
death: 25 August 1304, Malines, Belgique
Jean de Thouars
birth: after 1284
marriage: Blanche de Brabant
title: from 1308 - 1332, Vicomte de Thouars
death: 25 May 1332
Hugues II Quiéret
birth: 1290
title: Lord of Hamicourt
title: Chevalier
title: Lord of Tours-en-Vimeu
occupation: Admiral of France
marriage: Blanche d'Harcourt
occupation: from 1325 - 1332, Seneschal of Baucaire and Nîmes
death: 24 June 1340, Beheaded by the English after the Battle of Sluys
Jean IV d'Harcourt
birth: about 1290
marriage: Isabeau de l'Archeveque (de Parthenay)
title: 1336, Comte d'Harcourt
death: 1346, Crécy-en-Ponthieu, Bataille de Crécy
Wilhelm I von Jülich
birth: 1299
marriage: Johanna von Holland
title: from 1328 - 1336, граф Юлих
title: from 1336 - 1357, маркграф Юлих
title: from 1357 - 25 February 1361, герцог Юлих, 1-й
death: 25 February 1361
Elisabeth von Cleve
birth: estimated 1310
marriage: Godfried van Gulik , datum is van dispensatie door paus Johannes XXII (ondanks bloedverwantschap in de 4e graad)
marriage: Willem V van Horne
death: 1347, Münstereifel
Godfried van Gulik
birth: after 1299
marriage: Elisabeth von Cleve , datum is van dispensatie door paus Johannes XXII (ondanks bloedverwantschap in de 4e graad)
death: 3 May 1335
burial: Münstereifel, Chrysanthus- en Dariakerk
Louis Ier de Thouars
title: seigneur de Talmont
title: seigneur de Mauléon
title: Dreux (28), comte de Dreux
marriage: Jeanne II de Dreux
title: from 1333 - 1370, vicomte de Thouars
death: 7 April 1370, Talmont-Saint-Hilaire (85)
Jean de Thouars
title: La Chaize-le-Vicomte (85), seigneur de la Chaize-le-Vicomte
marriage: Marguerite de Parthenay
death: Sans descendance
Walram von Jülich
birth: about 1304
title: 1332, Erzbischof von Köln
death: 14 August 1349, Paris

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