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Théotard de Thiers b. about 980 d. after 1031

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Lineage Thiers
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Théotard de Thiers

Guy II de Thiers [Thiers] b. about 950 d. about 1031

Reclinde Huillaux [Huillaux] b. about 960 d. after 1048


about 980 birth:

after 1031 death:

Notes aîné

From grandparents to grandchildren

Guy Ier de Thiers
title: Seigneur de Thiers
death: 962
Estienne Ier de Thiers
birth: about 920
title: Seigneur de Thiers
marriage: Ermengarde
death: about 962
Estienne Ier Huillaux
birth: about 930
title: Vicomte d'Auvergne
marriage: Ermengarde
death: after 955
birth: about 930
marriage: Estienne Ier Huillaux
death: after 955
Théotard de Thiers
birth: about 951
death: after 978
Gilbert de Thiers
birth: about 952
death: after 978
Guy II de Thiers
birth: about 950
title: Vicomte de Thiers
marriage: Reclinde Huillaux
death: about 1031
Reclinde Huillaux
birth: about 960
marriage: Guy II de Thiers
death: after 1048
== 3 ==
Guillaume Ier de Thiers
birth: about 990
title: Vicomte de Thiers
marriage: Poncie
death: after 1048
Estienne de Thiers
birth: about 985
occupation: évêque de Clermont
death: after 1016
Théotard de Thiers
birth: about 980
death: after 1031
== 3 ==

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