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Arnould de Bernard b. about 1515 d. about 1580

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Lineage Bernard
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Arnould de Bernard


about 1515 birth: Bellaffaire (04)

title: Seigneur de Belle-Affaire

occupation: Maître des postes

about 1550 marriage: Saint-Julien-d'Asse (04), Agnès de Laidet [Leydet] b. about 1528

about 1550 child birth: Bellaffaire (04), Jeanne de Bernard [Bernard] b. about 1550 d. after 7 July 1600

about 1550 child birth: Turriers (04), Jean de Bernard [Bernard] b. about 1550 d. before 1626

about 1580 death:


From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Agnès de Laidet
birth: about 1528, Sigoyer (05)
title: Dame de Sigoyer
marriage: Arnould de Bernard , Saint-Julien-d'Asse (04)
Arnould de Bernard
birth: about 1515, Bellaffaire (04)
title: Seigneur de Belle-Affaire
occupation: Maître des postes
marriage: Agnès de Laidet , Saint-Julien-d'Asse (04)
death: about 1580
== 1 ==
Angelin Baile
birth: about 1540, Seyne (04)
occupation: Capitaine, Apothicaire
marriage: Jeanne de Bernard , Saint-Julien-d'Asse (04)
will: 25 June 1598
death: after 26 June 1598, Seyne (04)
Jeanne de Bernard
birth: about 1550, Bellaffaire (04)
marriage: Angelin Baile , Saint-Julien-d'Asse (04)
will: 6 July 1600
death: after 7 July 1600, Seyne (04)
Louise d'André
birth: about 1552, Bréziers (05)
marriage: Jean de Bernard , Barles (04)
death: after 1624, Bayons (04)
Jean de Bernard
birth: about 1550, Turriers (04)
occupation: Notaire
title: Sieur d'Astoin
marriage: Louise d'André , Barles (04)
death: before 1626, Bellaffaire (04)

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