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Laurent Gasquet b. about 1480

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Lineage Gasquet
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Laurent Gasquet

Pierre de Gasquet [Gasquet] b. about 1450 d. after 1514


about 1480 birth: Tourves (83)


From grandparents to grandchildren

Antoine de Gasquet
birth: about 1430, Tourves (83)
marriage: Françoise de Castellane
death: after 1497
Batrone Gasquet
birth: about 1450, Jausiers (04)
marriage: Giraud Borel
marriage: François Reboul
death: after 1493
Pierre de Gasquet
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
caste: Écuyer
occupation: Conseiller à la cour
caste: 1493, Conseiller de la communauté de Tourves
caste: 1499, Syndic de Tourves
death: after 1514
== 3 ==
Catherine Gasquet
birth: about 1480, Tourves (83)
marriage: Pierre Rougier
death: after 1531
Guillaume de Gasquet
birth: about 1510, Tourves (83)
caste: Écuyer, bourgeois
occupation: Capitaine provençal au service du roi François Ier
marriage: Sibille Guérin (ou Sibillone)
will: 25 June 1561, Tourves (83)
death: 5 July 1561, Tourves (83)
Jean Gasquet
birth: about 1490, Tourves (83)
marriage: Antoinette de Vellaques
marriage: Marguerite Gas
death: after 1555
Antoine Gasquet
birth: about 1510, Tourves (83)
occupation: Prêtre
death: after 1550
Bertrand Gasquet
birth: about 1510, Tourves (83)
Étienne Gasquet
birth: about 1510, Tourves (83)
Jean Gasquet
birth: about 1510, Tourves (83)
occupation: Prêtre
death: after 1538
Huguette Gasquet
birth: about 1500, Tourves (83)
marriage: Honoré Espinasse
death: after 1550
Marguerite Gasquet
birth: about 1500, Tourves (83)
marriage: Pierre Gayrard
Laurent Gasquet
birth: about 1480, Tourves (83)
== 3 ==

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