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Verl Estel Foster b. 10 May 1905

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Lineage Foster
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Verl Estel Foster

Ada Dell Canter [Canter]

Clare Cortez (Clyde) Foster [Foster]


10 May 1905 birth: Jordan Valley (Oregon)

marriage: Cecil Stanley Woods [Woods] b. 22 May 1903 d. 22 January 1994

6 February 1927 child birth: Meridian (Idaho), Ada County (Idaho), Estel Vira Woods [Woods] b. 6 February 1927

12 March 1929 child birth: Meridian (Idaho), Ada County (Idaho), Roberta Caroline Woods [Woods] b. 12 March 1929

10 November 1932 child birth: Boise (Idaho), Cecilia Margaret Woods [Woods] b. 10 November 1932

27 October 1935 child birth: Juliaetta (Idaho), Clara Dell Woods [Woods] b. 27 October 1935

4 May 1937 child birth: Elk City (Idaho), John Thomas Woods [Woods] b. 4 May 1937

7 July 1940 child birth: Weiser (Idaho), Charles Stanley Woods [Woods] b. 7 July 1940

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Cecil Stanley Woods
birth: 22 May 1903, Idaho
marriage: Verl Estel Foster
death: 22 January 1994
Verl Estel Foster
birth: 10 May 1905, Jordan Valley (Oregon)
marriage: Cecil Stanley Woods
== 2 ==
Richard Frank Biehn (Van Winkle)
adoption: was adopted by Joseph Olin Van Winkle and Elizabeth Hutchinson; mother had died
marriage: Estel Vira Woods
Estel Vira Woods
birth: 6 February 1927, Meridian (Idaho), Ada County (Idaho)
marriage: Richard Frank Biehn (Van Winkle)
Roberta Caroline Woods
birth: 12 March 1929, Meridian (Idaho), Ada County (Idaho)
Cecilia Margaret Woods
birth: 10 November 1932, Boise (Idaho)
Clara Dell Woods
birth: 27 October 1935, Juliaetta (Idaho)
John Thomas Woods
birth: 4 May 1937, Elk City (Idaho)
Charles Stanley Woods
birth: 7 July 1940, Weiser (Idaho)
Roswitha Hofmann (Van Winkle)
birth: 15 February 1957, Wiesbaden, Germany
marriage: Richard Van Winkle , Wiesbaden, Germany
baptism lds: 12 February 1979, Frankfurt, Germany
endownment lds: 12 May 1979, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Richard Van Winkle
marriage: Roswitha Hofmann (Van Winkle) , Wiesbaden, Germany
adoption: 1979, Michael Alexander Hofmann

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