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Honorade Rougier b. about 1520 d. after 1555

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Lineage Rougier
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Honorade Rougier

Bartélémy Rougier [Rougier] b. about 1450

Alayone Besson [Besson] b. about 1510


about 1520 birth: Solliès-Pont (83)

about 1540 child birth: Tourves (83), Antoine Boet [Boet] b. about 1540

before 1550 marriage: Antoine Castol [Castol] b. about 1500 d. before 1551

17 April 1552 marriage contract: Tourves (83), Jean Boet (Le Mineur) [Boet] b. about 1480

after 1555 death:


From grandparents to grandchildren

Honoré Rougier
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
marriage: Catherine Villecroze
death: after 1497
Douce Rougier
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
marriage: Pierre Étienne (Boisson)
Batrone Rougier
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
death: after 1478
Jean Rougier
birth: about 1430, Tourves (83)
marriage contract: Huguette Lambert , Tourves (83)
Marguerite Lambert
birth: about 1430, Tourves (83)
marriage contract: Pierre Favier , Tourves (83)
Huguette Lambert
birth: about 1430, Tourves (83)
marriage contract: Jean Rougier , Tourves (83)
Delphine Rougier
birth: about 1461, Tourves (83)
marriage contract: Pierre Brémond , Tourves (83)
Louis Rougier
birth: about 1460, Tourves (83)
marriage: Marguerite Besson , Tourves (83)
marriage: Huguette Brémond
death: after 1541
Antoinette Rougier (Bona Neyre)
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
marriage: Jean Fabre
marriage contract: Maurice Benoit , Tourves (83)
death: after 1509
Honorade Rougier
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
death: after 1498
marriage contract: Guillaume Garoute
Catherine Rougier
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
marriage: Étienne Fabre
death: after 1521
Antoine Rougier
birth: about 1450, Tourves (83)
marriage: Catherine Audibert
death: before 1497
Jean Rougier
birth: about 1460, Tourves (83)
death: after 1509
Bartélémy Rougier
birth: about 1450, Solliès-Pont (83)
occupation: Tisserand
marriage: Alayone Besson
Alayone Besson
birth: about 1510, Tourves (83)
marriage: Bartélémy Rougier
== 3 ==
Antoine Castol
birth: about 1500, Tourves (83)
marriage: Honorade Rougier
death: before 1551
Jean Boet (Le Mineur)
birth: about 1480, Le Luc (83)
occupation: Ménager et travailleur
marriage contract: Honorade Rougier , Tourves (83)
death: Tourves (83)
Honorade Rougier
birth: about 1520, Solliès-Pont (83)
marriage: Antoine Castol
marriage contract: Jean Boet (Le Mineur) , Tourves (83)
death: after 1555
== 3 ==
Antoine Boet
birth: about 1540, Tourves (83)

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