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François Borély (dit Borély de la Touche)

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Lineage Borély
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) François Borély
Other last names dit Borély de la Touche


marriage: Marie Hermine Bessirard de la Touche [Bessirard]

30 November 1821 child birth: Paris (75), Léon Borély de la Touche [Borély] b. 30 November 1821 d. 27 January 1895

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Sophie Esterházy de Galantha
birth: 27 November 1836, Bratislava
marriage: Léon Borély de la Touche , Stockholm
death: 25 September 1906, Salzbourg
Léon Borély de la Touche
birth: 30 November 1821, Paris (75)
caste: chevalier de la Légion d'honneur
caste: officier de la Légion d'honneur
marriage: Sophie Esterházy de Galantha , Stockholm
death: 27 January 1895
Edouard Morel de Foucaucourt
birth: 6 September 1867, Paris (75)
marriage: Andrée d'Aubigny
marriage: Marie Borély de la Touche , Paris (75)
death: 20 December 1929, Pau (64)
Marie Borély de la Touche
birth: 10 April 1865, Hambourg
marriage: Edouard Morel de Foucaucourt , Paris (75)

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