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Joseph Pierre François Prud'homme b. 1764 d. 9 October 1848

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Lineage Prud'homme
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Joseph Pierre François Prud'homme


1764 birth:

child birth: Hortense Prud'homme [Prud'homme] d. 22 October 1828

marriage: Anne Perrine Esther Bessirard de la Touche [Bessirard] b. 15 September 1770 d. 14 April 1835

1792 child birth: Esther Prud'homme [Prud'homme] b. 1792 d. 11 September 1859

1792 child birth: Joseph Frédéric Prud'homme [Prud'homme] b. 1792 d. 30 September 1872

9 October 1848 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Jean Richard
birth: 18 April 1787, Saint-Ulphace (72)
marriage: Esther Prud'homme
death: 25 October 1854
Esther Prud'homme
birth: 1792
marriage: Jean Richard
death: 11 September 1859
Marcellin Vétillart
birth: 4 February 1797, Pontlieue (72)
marriage: Hortense Prud'homme
death: 26 April 1885, Le Mans (72)
Hortense Prud'homme
marriage: Marcellin Vétillart
death: 22 October 1828, Pontlieue (72)
Marie Françoise Foy
birth: 21 September 1831, Douchy (02)
marriage: Anatole Richard
death: 1 March 1895, Paris (75), 16, rue Bayard
Anatole Richard
birth: 2 June 1820, Cherreau (72)
marriage: Marie Françoise Foy
death: 5 October 1859, Cherreau (72)
Jean Julien Hervet
birth: 1802
marriage: Elisabeth Richard
death: 17 June 1874
Jules Le Roy-Liberge
birth: 3 February 1811, La Ferté-Bernard (72)
marriage: Armande Richard
death: 28 April 1873, Le Mans (72)
Michel-Marcel Vétillart
birth: 29 October 1820, Pontlieue (72)
marriage: Elise Brossard
death: 29 September 1884, Le Mans (72)
Berthe-Anne Quantin
birth: 21 June 1837, Bessé-sur-Braye (72)
marriage: Armand Vétillart
death: 6 February 1903
Armand Vétillart
birth: 24 April 1825, Pontlieue (72)
marriage: Berthe-Anne Quantin
death: 2 May 1892, Bessé-sur-Braye (72)

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